An Unfamiliar Neighbourhood

The speed of change has been mesmerising. Indeed, lacking any real sense of overarching identity, the need to impose a sense of community has become paramount. Whether locally or indeed, as we see, nationally, never have we heard the word community so bandied about. But it’s all pretend, really. Community was never talked about before, simply because it didn’t have to be.

Peter Whittle ponders a recent, very rapid transformation.

5 Replies to “An Unfamiliar Neighbourhood”

  1. Enoch Powell knew what was going to happen and he rang the alarm bells and warned everyone. But they shouted him down with the slur of racialist which he didn’t bend to but the left won. And now it’s all over. (See Lebanon) Coming soon to a theatre near you.
    I have become truly trepidatious in posting any more watching what is happening in the UK with online policing and the threat of the London commissioner of police threatening even those outside the country.
    I am balancing speaking up to prevent this from advancing to keeping my head down knowing that the left has won and they are coming for all of us on this board and others once the Online Harms Act and is passed. Then it’s silence and obedience and best of luck to us all.
    I’m the words of Axl Rose:
    “ Where do we go now?”

  2. And let me remind everyone of another popular myth that has seemingly becocome Orwellian “fact” is … that “America was built by the black man”. Oh! And feel free to toss in some Mexicans, and Chinese coolies.

    Of course this is utter rubbish … but it fits the revisionist history narrative perfectly. Oh! And to go along with the mythical spin that America was “built by immigrants”. Funny thing … yes … EVERY American is an “immigrant”. So what’s the point? That once an Italian or Swede has lived in America for a year, they become a nameless, faceless, “white” person?

    And yeah … “community” … take a look at Oakland, San Francisco, and certain neighborhoods of Chicago … and I’ll show you “community” … right between the eyes.

  3. So David, that commenter must be thrilled to learn that his comment is not “entirely inapt”.

  4. High trust society, becoming a low trust one..

    It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find white faces in my city, since covid..
