Did Nancy Pelosi Orchestrate a Coup d’Etat of the Biden Administration?

Why hasn’t Pelosi been arrested and charged with instigating a coup d’etat?

49 Replies to “Did Nancy Pelosi Orchestrate a Coup d’Etat of the Biden Administration?”

    1. She didn’t have to call one person, she was too busy answering her phone by the people that were calling her to get their orders. There are many ways for a career politicians to side-step the truth. Look at the fifty-one ‘intelligence’ agents that told America that the laptop was ‘probably’ Russian dis-information.

  1. If I were a Democrat, I would be furious at the top brass of the party. They…

    1. Hid Biden’s deteriorating condition from the public.
    2. Unnominated him when it became clear they couldn’t win with him.
    3. Inserted an unelected nominee — an incompetent scatterbrain they likely believe they can control — in Biden’s place.

    The arrogance with which they wield power is staggering.

    1. The Manchurian Candidate.
      Disenfranchising millions of voters seems somehow…unDemocratic.

      1. I’ll correct your spelling, what was done is democratic, but it is the Democratic Party way.

    2. As a democrat why would you be furious considering there was no coup d’etat.
      That’s because those pulling Biden’s strings, i.e. those really in control, are now pulling Kamala’s strings.
      In other words, the powerful people in the shadows (scheming to maintain Democrat party control of the government ) haven’t been ousted.

      1. Agreed, my initial reaction was “coup d’etat” is the wrong word choice. I’m not sure what terminology would be correct, but some variant if “hostile takeover”.

    3. You’re not a Democrat. Democrats are not furious. They are interested in power. You’re not. And that is why they do all the things you won’t. Progressives are not interested in a common vision or peaceful coexistence. They want to destroy their opposition.

    4. KM
      You’ve nailed it.

      While I’m no fan of Biden his diminished mental capacity was shielded by the Democratic Party hoping for a 2nd term. When that option failed they dumped him even tho he was the choice of the rank and file party members.

      It’s another blatant example of the corruption of Party politics and it exists in all political parties in every democracy. Voter fraud has nothing on this corruption.

      1. “KM
        You’ve nailed it. ”

        He did. Is it wrong that I find that a little uncomfortable?

    5. “…an incompetent scatterbrain they likely believe they can control…”
      “LIKELY”..? YA think..?

      The Dems have been 100% directed & Kontrolled by Obama & his cabal since day 1 of his ascension.

      1. Who knows? Maybe Harris, if she gains the presidency, will become a loose canon from the DNC’s viewpoint.

        I don’t know what the ramifications of that would be, but on one level it would be funny as hell.

        1. Funny at a safe distance. She starts out as Justin Trudeau. She turns into Idi Amin. I’d want to be out of massacring range when she gets going.

    6. As someone else explained a while back, it would be next to impossible to convince people that Biden won this time. There are still enough idiots out there who will accept that Kameltoe won when the next predetermined election is finished.

  2. We Don’t Need No Bidenomics.
    A few details from the Wikipedia page on Kamala Harris really should be all that’s needed to send her down in flames. This is how she has fought for 3-1/2 years to reduce inflation:
    “Presiding over an evenly split Senate upon entering office, Harris played a crucial role as president of the Senate with her power to cast tie-breaking votes, helping pass bills such as the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 stimulus package and the Inflation Reduction Act.”

    I’m So Confused.
    BTW, Wikipedia refers to her alternately as an African American, an Asian American, and a Southeast Asian American.

    1. What no word salad surgery?


      Every day a little sadder, a little madder
      Someone get me a ladder
      Do you wanna be the singer?
      Do you wanna be the song?
      Let me tell you something
      You just couldn’t be more wrong
      You see I really have to tell you, that it all gets so intense
      From my experience, it just doesn’t seem to make sense
      Still, you turn me on

  3. She is just an incompetent American (with no hyphenations) who sort of wants to be be president, even if the powers that be only do photo ops in the oval office.

    They will keep her busy in the basement or in California for shopping trips, giggling with friends, or abroad in places with little or no credible media.

    1. ‘It’s no problem to believe when she says “she didn’t call one person”
      Her BOY (O’Butthole) was on tap!

  4. She just had to brag that she was behind the coup. Now we know who is in charge. Was everybody (except Biden) OK with this?

    1. Remember, Joe thinks Hunter is the smartest person he ever met. It’s remarkable that he won’t admit to knowing criminals who didn’t get caught.

  5. . . . there hasn’t been a coup. Biden is still the president*. He has decided to not stand for a second term.

    Internal party machinations over the candidate for the coming election do not amount to an overthrow of the current government.

    * as much as he ever was

  6. Everyone knows there was a coup and that the current president is a fake. The real question is why, despite having hundreds of millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition the American people did nothing about it. They’re not going to vote their way out of this. The Dems are not giving up the Whitehouse. For all those guns to do something, you have to use them.

      1. Pot meet kettle. Or as one very Wise Man once said “Take the log out of your own eye so you can see more clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye”. Stupid people like you make stupid comments like you just did. The question raised is valid. How do Americans take back their country when the votes are simply not counted correctly as we witnessed in 2020?

          1. The question is equally valid in Canada. How do we get away from the tyranny that is Ottawa?

          2. Like it or not Trudeau really did win the election. He will probably lose the next one. If he doesn’t the people are getting what they voted for. In the US the election was a total fraud, o not the same scenario at all.

          3. So Rusty you missed the last three elections where the conservatives threw the election? Harper didn’t campaign nor did Schear or O’Toole. They might as well have told Canadians to vote for the liberal/ndp coalition.

        1. Answer: They already have all of the lawful and legal votes from 2020 counted. The Patriots are waiting for enough Americans to wake up, so that if and when the media announces that the dem nominee won the 2024 election with 100 million votes, no one , anywhere in the world will believe it. As I speculated before, they might let Trump win and then steal a big chunk of the down ballot races.

    1. “Everyone knows there was a coup and that the current president is a fake”

      100%. All we can hope for now is that the right ‘journalist’ gets tired of this charade, decides to make a name for him/herself and asks Biden a couple of pointed questions designed to make him angry enough to blurt out what *really* happened to him.

      (hey, I can dream…)

  7. Folks, leave some room in the back of your minds to conceive that Nancy flipped to the Patriot side a while back. Remember we’re watching a movie with a large cast of characters. Time will tell whose side Nancy is on. AOC is definitely on team Patriot. Look up the term “Judas Goat” .

    1. Tell me that was sarcasm. Please.
      AOC is an idiot whose base instinct is to sabotage her country and violate her oath of office.

  8. I’m just hoping that the Media goes out of business before some crazy patriots actually realize just how dishonest they have been.
    All that smoke wouldn’t be good for the environment.

  9. It’s all Kabuki theater. Pay no attention to the real government behind the curtain.

  10. It isn’t a coup since Biden is still POTUS.
    What it really is, is a lot of dirty party politics that disenfranchises Democrat voters.
