47 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path”

    1. “It needs to end. What a pointless exercise.”

      With such a perfectly predictable outcome.

  1. well, this is related…
    Russia has been occupying the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in what was in the past, Ukraine territory
    “Someone” appears to have put their drone close enough to it to bomb it, and *of course* they’ve hit the cooling apparatus.
    Radiation levels are normal at the moment.
    Some X/Twitter commenters are saying “don’t worry, it’s not the nuclear areas it’s only the cooling apparatus” … Alfred E. Newman where are you?
    Some people with memories of what occurred in Chernobyl may have different opinions on that one.

    No reason to link to France24 … it’s the first link in my search at the Google. My X/Twitter news feed is more suggestive of Ukrainians bombing it, MSM seems to say Russia bombed it
    It’s dark there now, It will be morning before fresh news is from this site

    Russians blaming Ukrainians, Ukrainians blaming Russians…

    1. Not knotted panties needed. The reactor was put into cold shutdown a few days ago.
      So now the Rusks burn some tires on one of the cooling towers and blame it on the ukes.
      Blah blah blah

    2. The big cooling towers are not essential. They can draw all the cooling water needed from the river. The towers are mostly to cool the water before returning it to the river, not to cool the reactors.

  2. Akhmat Battalion, LOL aka TikTok Brigade aka Kadyrov’s Goatlovers aka the fastest runners in ork army aka Don don battalion.

    Post what combat? Oh my, you do realize that they were pushed back from their rout towards Kursk by russian blocking detachments and for(ed at gunpoint to get back into the fight less than two days ago?

    You have no idea what you have watched but it sure helped to reinfor(e your beliefs and that surely counts.

    /Not a duplicate post, you damn bot/

    1. That’s a lot of close-up aerial views of apparent suicides. Odd that. And all without any context.

      Nothing but gore porn … aimed by and at weirdos who get off on that thing.

      1. No that is reality how orks tend to end up. Unlike the TikTok brigade HQ Sci-Fi propaganda video from Lancaster who us a well known collaborator.

      2. Here some context for you, ork POW captured at Kursk, allow me to translate:

        “I am a conscript deployed in Swerdlicowo.
        Akhmat was deployed nearby.
        When we got surrounded they escaped
        Because, as the guys are saying
        What Kadyrov has said Chechens do not surrender
        And in case of any threat they run to avoid capture
        That is why it is us who got captured”

        But by all means watch Lancaster fluff Akhmat.

      3. More context, another russian speaks:

        “The Akhmatovs knew perfectly well that the Khokhls would attack, where they would attack and when they would attack, and they deliberately let them through. In a banal way, they reached an understanding with the Khokhls and concluded a kind of mutual non-aggression pact. Dzhambetov* acted as an intermediary in the negotiations. That is why Apti Aronovich justified himself in his films for three days in a row, telling the same story about how the Khokhls accidentally bypassed them. The puzzle was put together.”


        Would you like to know more?

      4. “Nothing but gore porn … aimed by and at weirdos who get off on that thing.”

        As perfect a description of Jessica as I have even seen…definitely some mental illness there.

        (won’t be long before s/he breaks out yet another alias to try and fool us with)

        1. Freddie I wasn’t trying to fool anyone. I was being so overt and clear that I hoped that even you would connect the dots. Clearly by your standards I engaged in a diabolically clever plan. Fortunately someone explained to you what I did.

      5. Most appear to be severely injured before blowing their own heads off.

        Drone strike followed by suicide to end the pain or avoid capture would be my guess.

        1. My guess too … WAR is shitty. And this one is a shit pile of wasted humanity. All the while “respectable” corporate munitions makers order new swimming pools for their vacation homes.

          Trying to pass these images off as Russian soldiers abandoning their mission is just more of the same despicable Western propagandizing that we’ve not seen since “weapons of mass destruction” … or “the domino theory in Southeast Asia”. Shit. Ya wanna see the domino theory in REALITY? Just look at the globalists flooding Western nations with culturally, religiously, and morally incompatible communist sympathizers. There’s your domino theory … up close and personal … as in WE are the falling dominoes.

          1. “Trying to pass these images off as Russian soldiers abandoning their mission”

            Did you lend your braincells to Freddie so he can figure out the discussed above puzzle? Get them back. I have shown the reality of what happens to orks and contrasted it against the Lancaster Sci Fi propaganda piece.

          2. Also, you can’t say that one thing that you don’t like, is just like another thing that you don’t like, if all they have in common is that you don’t like them.

  3. Russia is the only majority white and majority Christian nation that hasn’t fallen to globohomo woke Soros/WEF.
    That’s why some here hate them so much.

    1. That as a very convoluted excuse for your weird attraction for pigs that fancy themselves humans.

      1. By pigs, you mean white Christians.
        Stop surfing Jessica’s butthole, you sick freak.

        1. Neither white nor Christian. Mainly Siberian and Mongol. Savage in nature, completely detached from civilized values. Mainly atheist and an exploding mooselimb population, roughly 15 million in russia of which 2.5 million in Moscow alone. Both growing rapidly in numbers and proportion. Besides, russian orthodox church is a state controlled propaganda institution not a religious institution.

          1. You are an abject liar. Ethnic mongols make up less than 1%. Siberian isn’t even an ethnicity, its a geographic location, populated mostly by Slavs.
            Anyone can look up the ethnic and religious makeup of Russia anytime, which pretty much destroys all of your BS.
            Now get back to Colon surfing, Jessica.

          2. Predictably you are repeating common lies (you may be so dense that you actually believe them). Russia was created by a Mongol Empire and this shows in every interaction. Orks are Siberian Mongols, by culture, by social norms by behavior. They have nothing in common with white people anywhere.

        2. No, schweinie-loving freak, by pigs I mean those who act like pigs, e. g. never display any gratitude to anybody and think they have they right to claim any territory for their pig-pen.

          And by the way, “Russians” are about as white as Americans would be if they interbred and their their Orthodonkey “church” has about as much to do with Christianity as this: https://img.eurointegration.com.ua/images/doc/9/a/9a423b4-0.png

          1. Russia is chiefly composed of white Christian Slavs.
            You are just another anti-white racist, like the rest of your butthole surfing ilk.

          2. So, according to you, Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Surkov, Kadyrov, etc. are Slavs and not recognising them as Slavs makes one an “anti-white racist”, LOL?

            They have about as much right to call themselves Slavs as Pakistanis to call themselves Celts.

        3. As Dzhokhar Dudayev, whom I already quoted, had said to the Russians, “Your national idea is, living neck-deep in shit and dragging everyone else into it”. That is exactly what makes “Russians” human-fancying pigs and “yeahwell…” is one of those schitzoid UIs* in the West who adores that “national idea” from a safe distance, but would never follow into the Russian shit himself.

          Useful Idiots

          1. I like white Christians.
            You hate white Christians.
            Its that simple, butthole surfer.

          2. No, you like human-fancying pigs and declare them “white christians” to make your weird attraction look less perverted. And no, despising human-fancying pigs does not mean “hating white Christians”.

          3. You could not care less for either white or Christians, you’re just a low rent demagogue who found a new artificial point to hammer. Orks are still Siberian Mongols and all of their white (and non white) neighbors despise them.

  4. For those who want some healthy bit of reality, the Akhmat batallion is now universally hated and despised in Russia, as they are believed to have deliberately avoided any combat with the Ukrainian troops when the Ukrainian incursion into the Kursk region started. A lot of Russians actually think they had an agreement with Ukrainians.

    But those who want to keep cherry-picking their sources certainly can continue to do so.

    1. “Kate? Any chance comments could be turned off here?”

      Too radical a solution, and goes against the ‘free speech’ credo of this place.

      Just boot the troll so the grownups can converse in peace. There are plenty of legitimate issues to discuss on this topic, but it is completely impossible with this moron hanging around….s/he is a living,breathing Polack joke (on us)…

      1. A few months back,a call for civility was made by our gracious hostess.
        Promises were made.
        By persons incapable of keeping them.
        Like a festering boil,it must swell and spew its “wisdom”.
        Ignore it,except for the entertainment value when it tells us all how “Smart” it be.
        This is not just a Not See,it is a Can’t See.
        Willful blindness combined with sheer arrogance.

      2. If you guys would stop peeling off your gear and posing as their centerfolds everytime they whistled, the trolls would go away and tug their pudds elsewhere.

        1. Oh, I don’t think they do it because we respond, Jamie. They get a sense of mutual muskrat frottage out of the display itself. They see their combined presence on the mighty internet as validating their views. And when one is a Ukrainian fag Nazi, validity is a rare experience. One might well develop a craving for it.

      3. Flinny, seeing how much you crave the ban-hammer, you must be pretty desperate to live, without any disturbance from reality, in your 20000 BC imaginary world where Russia is “free and prosperous”, and a “white conservative christian country”, which is also “anti-communist”, has “a tough immigration policy” and a “robust space programme” and also “the best military in the world per dollar value” (all quoted text comes from schweinie-lovers without any alteration by me).

  5. Have the Ukrainians raided their nursing homes as yet to feed this Democrat party money laundering operation? Enough with this war please before the ICBMs start flying.

  6. I think that the war is pointless, but so is war porn. Certainly the Ukrainians have been led down the primrose path, and they will be abandoned when their usefulness ceases. Nobody cares about the Ukrainians, but that’s what happens when a nation’s heroes are “not see” collaborators in the Holocaust. People can hold their nose only so long.

  7. Are the troops currently sent North into the Kursk Region also the troops most violently opposed to a diplomatic resolution of the Ukrainian Ethic Squabble?
