19 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. Gee, what a shame. Government propaganda organs shriveling up as people go elsewhere for their news? Cryin’ shame.

    What goes around comes around, I guess.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Good news really: less numbers of people reading pro-government propaganda. Meanwhile the conservative, counter-culture media grows.

    2. heh heh. l was thinking exactly the same thing clicking on the post.
      an interpretation is the consumption of state propaganda dropped over half.

  2. I had to laugh at the government’s (possibly) naive belief that Meta would give in to their blackmail. I suppose they are too arrogant to recognize what a small unimportant market little Canader is.
    Plus, the msm has been turning slowly against the Trudeau government, even CBC occasionally produces articles critical of the Liberal government, so it’s very much to Trudeau’s advantage that negative articles can’t be shared on social media.
    I call it the Trudeau/Zuckerberg Pact, in tribute to the historically famous Molotov/Ribbentrop Pact, though the latter two were undoubtedly more upstanding citizens than the former duo.
    Critics told them of the consequences, but they knew best, and maybe they did, as there’s much less anti-government news out there now,unless you look for it.

    1. Next, they will ban twitter, currently known as X. Then the politicos will fume and rage because they cannot get their lies spread far and wide.

  3. While I do think the gov’t entering the news marketplace by regulation is a bad thing, and see it plainly shown by other Canadians not playing their online game (note too, has actual paper publishing turned it up a notch to replace online clicks? No way Jose..).
    It is clear that X/Twitter hasn’t faced the same decline in news clicks as the others in “the pact” (don morris & The Pact”..)
    Is this because people who did get their censored news fix from Meta group have left for uncensored X/Twitter?
    Or is it because they had nowhere else to go?

    I’d like to think it’s because X/Twitter doesn’t censor opinions aside from “readers notes” saying things like, “the image above is from a 2008 news article and not a recent event” for example.

    While CTV for example, continues to insist upon things like Kamala Harris’ race being “black” when clearly she is not. Actually B. Hussien Obama is only 1/2 black too, I saw the photos of his mom from Pamala Geller’s site with Stanley posing nude in front of a Christmas tree and clearly only some areas of her are black.
    Ok, “that’s enough Marc…!”

  4. Not to worry, Trudeau and the LPC will dole out a few more hundreds of millions to them to save Canadian culture which he says we have none anyway.

  5. “thanks to the online media act, and Meta’s ban on posting news” but mostly because of Trudeau’s Online media act.

  6. The Liberal Globalists will eventually be the only source for “news”.
    Buying the press was only ever about buying more time to further their agenda.

  7. Canadian news is for the woke crowd, and those who like to be frightened daily by scary health reports (the only good food is broccoli); finding out what local criminals did, and how they got off; learning about what weird programs children are being taught; light-weight financial news (mostly negative and simplistic); and climate nonsense. There are still some good journalists left, but they are not allowed to write anything of substance, except behind pay walls.
