26 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. new carbon in air from biomass..zero
    new carbon from coal etc, 100 percent
    more local poison from the biomass tho..

    1. Lucky thing that big diesel logging equipment and the trucks, trains, and ships that ship wood pellets half way around the world don’t produce any CO2.

    2. ???
      The only difference between biomass and coal as far as “new carbon” is concerned is when it was sequestered from the atmosphere.
      Even if we burned every scrap of coal and fossil fuel we could get our hands on, we would only add about 0.1% of the carbon that was taken from the atmosphere in the first place.

  2. I’d be more worried about the particulate emissions seeing as they are not that far from Leeds.

  3. Drax has been accused of cutting whole trees in BC to turn into wood pellets for their powerplants in the UK. They deny it, yet photos in some articles seem to indicate that this is the case. If so, it’s monumentally stupid for BC to let it continue. Enough forest is lost to wildfires without letting foreign interests destroy more for questionable power sources. There are a lot of burned-off areas with standing fire-killed trees that are soon lost to insect infestations that could be cut and pelletized.

    Besides all that, the whole biomass energy industry probably survives only because of massive truckloads of taxpayer cash.

    1. They do log whole trees for pellets. But those trees are so defective it is impossible to make lumber out of them. If there are good quality trees in the cut block. those are not pelletized, they are sold to sawmills for lumber.

      Still doesn’t make sense, CO2 is CO2, no matter the source. And the effect on climate is……zero.

  4. So keep clear-cutting Canadian and US forests to feed this beast. Hell … they’re all burning down from global warming (sic) anyway …

  5. “The FTSE 100 owner of the Drax power plant made profits of £500m over the first half of this year, helped by biomass subsidies of almost £400m over this period. It handed its shareholders a windfall of £300m for the first half of the year.”

    So obviously they can immediately reduce the subsidy by £300m, since that isn’t producing any power, instead a fa$cist scheme to give taxpayer money to cronies of the government.

    1. Every govt program is a fascist scheme to give our money to friends of the government. Why would this be any different?

      I suspect pointing this out will soon become forbidden. Ha.

  6. CO2 from biomass is the same as CO2 from coal. But they pretend biomass CO2 is benign because it comes from a renewable source.

    Mind you, the whole idea of net zero or fighting global warming is all pretend anyway.

    1. Renewable in the sense that it only takes the hardwood trees 40 to 50 years to grow back; but they act as if it is instantaneous. Climate Morons are perfectly content with the deception. And you’re right about the agenda, it has nothing to do with fighting global warming; it is solely a financial scheme.


  7. “biomass”. What a laugh. They’re trees! Sort of like calling abortion “reproductive care” or raising your taxes “revenue enhancement”. God I hate these people.

    1. Pay your fair share is political speak for “give us more of your money’, and it will never be enough.

  8. Throw Some More Soup on the Old Masters.
    Every environmental disaster of the 21st century is the result of a government policy. Clearcutting the forests of the southeastern United States to feed this 4X polluting beast is not just emission insanity, it is outrageously expensive and inefficient.

  9. They want to ban charcoal grills, wood stoves and pizza ovens…. but some twat over in England can pretend he’s saving the world?

    How many trees have been planted out the 100 bazillion promised?

    1. I believe the number is around 2 million. Sending government to do a boy’s job…we know how effective that is.

    2. the bio mass wood pellets for germany were sourced out of thunder bay area. hardwoods as well,

  10. Tree’s grow like weeds.. That’s why we have forests.. The perfect vehicle for our green grifters to take care of..
    Its not 100 years ago.. The forestry industry has come a long way.. Planting, checkerboard cutting and some tree’s are off limits for habitat reasons.. No cutting next to rivers and lakes sort of thing..

    Biomass pellets?.. Better for heating a cabin or home than a wood burning stove.. No chopping, no wood pile, cleaner because of it and you can fill it up, so it burns longer.. It has its place..

    Fire wood is expensive to buy and a ton of work to manage, if you have the land to harvest it off of.. It also has its place..

    Clean coal that’s been power washed (way less dust). Burned in a modern power plant is the way to go.. If its close to a big city put some stack scrubbers on it.. Close to zero pollution..

  11. And yet … I am old enough to remember that Drax was built to use the coal strip mined from the Selby field. It was positioned to intersect with the main rail networks and provide power for the industrial heartland of Yorkshire.
    The miners union hated it as strip mining was seen as taking away jobs from the deep mines and it looked like they were not going to be unionised so massive strikes at the time. The rail unions liked that it was having track built to transport coal into it from the nearby Selby field and of course as it was all nationalised industries it was a win win for the socialists.
    The locals that of course never got a say because they were just peasants saw their beautiful grade 1 productive land and beautiful Yorkshire countryside destroyed on the alter of international socialism/Fabianism.
    Oh well.
