18 Replies to “Love is Love”

  1. Nine years old is just ridiculous. Most people don’t know that the age of consent in the modern nation of Japan is 13.

      1. “… it’s 14 in most of Europe.”

        It’s the traditional AoC of European Christendom. Age of Marriage it’s 12. No bottom for Age of Betrothal.

      2. That is age of consent to engage in sexual activity without violating the law, but not age they are allowed to marry. In Europe, that would be 18 in most countries without parental consent and 16 in about half the countries with parental consent. At least according to Wikipedia. And we know that in certain countries with a certain religious tradition dating back to the 7th century, premarital sex is punishable for the female.

  2. Mo “took” his girl when she was 9.

    That’s what the nations who insist they are normal nations, are up against.
    Is it a crime in the UK to retweet this? It will be soon enough.
    David had posted this the other day here at SDA..

    The GIF stops in 2021 so in the past 3 years it isn’t a stretch to say it’s at 33% actual English now.

    A great move by the tier 2 Gov’t of Canada to issue a travel advisory on travel to the UK.

    1. London has been … conquered. And to think … my father’s generation were worried about the long-haired, mop-top Beatles and all that foul music (sic) coming out of London in the mid-sixties. And those crazy, garish, fashions! And those girls in mini skirts … showing almost … well … everything! He was outraged!

      Now that we have something to be REALLY righteously outraged about … it is “illegal” to mention it.

      Funny thing … I was able to just mentally tune-out my dad’s objections and turn up the psychedelic blues … and get on with my enjoyment of that fresh new, CREATIVE cultural change. These changes are hardly creative … hardly fresh … or new. History is replete with Muslims conquering nations.

    1. Well, things were a lot simpler in the seventh century. I wouldn’t want to go back that far but I’m none too pleased with the way things are going in this century.

    2. imagine a worst case. its 2150 the very last christian places of refuge and quarters are being found out and destroyed. at that time the excuse is we christians were ‘given the chance’ to convert but any found now are be’headed’ on the spot..

      is this where we’re ‘headed’? how will normalcy survive?

      the human race will immolate after that.

      the End Times courtesy the prophet’s adherents.

  3. Age of consent does not necessarily mean age of marriage. A roll in the hay isn’t as consequential as a lifetime commitment to a partner. Age of consent in Canada is 14, marriage is 18. Anyone under 16 is prohibited from marrying. Persons between the ages of 16 and 18 can marry if a judge gives written consent.

    Mo married his girl when she was 6 but he didn’t “take” her until she was 9. Seems that’s the reasoning behind the change. After all, if Mo did it, then it can’t be wrong, in their view.

  4. To our western ears indoctrinated with Peter Pan syndrome this sounds evil. Yet throughout history what we class as children have been adults. I don’t have to go too far back in my Christian heritage to find a grandmother who was married at 14. She married a man 20 years her senior. They wed for life and she bore him 2 girls. He died ‘young’ and left her a well off widow. To her dying day she said nothing but good things about her late husband.
