15 Replies to “Most Popular President Ever”

  1. What? Were his polls sponsored by HER? SHE claimed to be TRIPLE digits ahead of Trump … just before LOSING.

  2. That was the most clear speaking for 30 seconds I’ve seen from this guy since he was sworn in.
    Hillary’s going to crush Trump. Smitherman is going to demolish Ford on election night.
    As Britt Hume said, what makes them think a ‘giggling lightweight’ would perform better?

    1. He has obviously needed rest for a long time. He’s too old for the job. But he is also talking about something he understands, how his ox got gored.

      1. It’s not his age….it’s his demented brain. The guy has always been at the low end of the intellectual level all his life so it doesn’t take much for him to turn into the babbling fool he is and always has been.

  3. Maybe Pelosi (read Obama) shouldn’t have installed Biden in the first place.. But then they wouldn’t have gotten such an agreeable puppet.. Aren’t they all?.

    You cant just walk in like Trump and… Oh, never mind..

  4. So who’s been running the country for the past 3 1/2 years?
    And who’s running it now?
    But if Trump wins he’ll destroy democracy??
    I’m not sure democracy exists anywhere in the world anymore.

    1. It’s like Imperial China, where the Mandarins had all of the power, as long as they kept supplying the emperor with enough fresh beautiful young girls and plenty of fine food.

  5. He was only more unpopular than Trump because he was such a great president for the American people.

    Did I say that right, is my chocolate ration going to be increased from 30 to 20 grams?

  6. I’m delighted that Pelosi the Parasite, Mistress of Illegal Insider Trading, turned on the Head of the Biden Crime Family. He’s fortunate they didn’t use a sniper.

  7. Does it sound like the story they gave him was that he would have trouble campaigning because Pelosi and the others down ballot would be a drag on him?
    The concern was that he would be questioned about their competence and qualifications (and age, with regard to Pelosi). NOT that the concern was Biden himself.
    So the story he is telling is that all these crap candidates below him said that “we are lousy and will ruin your chances, so YOU should quit.” But really it’s all the crap candidates who should withdraw in a real world situation.
    This sounds really dumb, but it probably sounds logical and Biden was convinced that he will look like the magnanimous statesman that he thinks he is.

    1. He’s going bald front to back, therefore “thinks he’s a thinker”.
      When’s the first debate Harris vs Trump?
      Will the Dems dump Harris after?
      Do they have time to?
