15 Replies to “Rule Britannia”

  1. What a brave police woman shielding herself behind the man being assaulted and then retreating from the mob and leaving him behind. She and her superiors all the way up to PM Clear Starkers are disgraceful

  2. People on X, don’t understand a couple of things 1) the meaning be the term extradite and 2) the UK police arrest and jail hundreds of people for possible crimes, when a person posts tweets and Facebook posts ‘that may cause offence.’ Yet in some jurisdictions they have not solved a single assault, robbery, rate or murder in the last year. These people problem is that they use a bit of logic, that would normally say those two things don’t matter.
    By the way, New Zealand has said the same thing as the UK police

  3. I’m not concerned an iota of being extradited to the UK for posting online offences to the gov’t of the UK, or New Zealand.

    Americans especially are out of those imbecile’s reach.

    1. Until one decides to go for a visit in merry Ole England and gets a rude reception at Customs . Unless you take an unauthorized body trip from the continent

  4. UK governmental dhimmitude didn’t start with Labour. Mark Steyn has been saying for decades now that in the UK they police everything but crime. The left and their “Conservative” useful idiots, are terrified of the “religion” of terror. Look how they sacrificed their working class teenage girls to pleasuring Islamic rapists. Appeasing the rapey-beheader demographic doesn’t make them your friends or civilized humans. The real Brits are protesting barbarians arriving by the boatload.

  5. The fish rots from the head – biased two tier policing is going to rebound on these ‘civil servants’.

  6. It seems pretty obvious that TPTB in the UK don’t fear the normies but are deathly afraid of the muslim invaders.

    1. “It seems pretty obvious that TPTB in the UK don’t fear the normies but are deathly afraid of the muslim invaders.”

      Yes…and there is only one proper response to that, isn’t there? Teach them to fear us MORE.

      1. History suggests that is, in fact, coming. And these foolish coppers have been quite open about their treason against the native British, haven’t they?

  7. always the cops isnt it? first on board with the draconian fascist tyranny. because they get a share of the POWER coming out of that situation.
    dont answer questions dont cooperate dont be a ‘witness’ they will manipulate and threaten etc etc.
    19 years ago friday l got laughed at reporting a theft. 4 years later Karma had killed 7 of them and 3 family members within a 1,000,000 population radius or about 30 times the ‘average’.
    go ahead occifer, laugh now.

  8. Mark Rowley should go to the US, even Canada, and open his big fckn piehole.
    I dare him.
    I really really dare him.
    Not advocating, just daring…

  9. The problem is in Emperor Justine the Firsts Canada, he would happily extradite those who held unacceptable views to Old Blighty
