14 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

    1. The issue w/ term limits is that it gets rid of the good ones, too. Yes, I realize that such animals are rare as hen’s teeth.

    1. “We will throw the full f0rce of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you,” Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News.

      Indeed. Britain is a stupid little country because of knobbers like “Sir” Mark. This is his mea culpa that he is utterly incapable and unwilling to make any attempt to fulfill his primary duty to citizens. So he puffs himself up and struts about clucking like some ridiculous old Tom turkey.

      1. There is a lesson from history in the once greatest nation on the planet having declined so dramatically to be today an irrelevant ankle-biter.

      2. Britain since the very Very Early days of the 20th Century, was even then, a hotbed for Socialists + Communists. NOTHING has changed since then.

        This Arrogant Dipshit Commisioner & His good Friend Starmer are classic Examples.

        1. Word is, they both wear kilts because they know that sheep can hear the sound of a zipper for miles.

  1. Sadly looks like the UK is joining the US as countries I will avoid travelling to because their police and legal systems cannot be trusted.
