17 Replies to “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.”

    1. Such as Elections Calgary announcing Dominion machines were not used before the question was even asked. Thus indicating the scanner- tabulator software was rigged to flip every second vote for Farkus to GoneBitch.

  1. I was watching the election and was on ace of spades Election night 2020. Certain states were not being called even though Trump was ahead by 10’s of thousands.

    He was up by a lot in 4 states, everyone got tired and decided they’d finish the counting the next day and miraculously Biden won!

  2. When suddenly Donkey gains 400k votes to 0 for the elephant, in the space of an hour, indicates that something is wrong with the “count”

    1. Oh nonsense! Doncha know that statistical probability and logic have nothing to do with election results? Math has nothing to do with election results?


  3. Just mentioning it sounds dirty.. Of course they need time to count.. Its not that they could count every vote same day.. Its that the result was obvious because of registered voters..

  4. The best move some states made is they have forbidden stopping the count. It makes it harder to manufacture the ballots required when you don’t know how many you need.

    1. On election night, 6 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia & Nevada) stopped counting ballots.

      But there’s no evidence of election fraud.

      1. “On election night, 6 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia & Nevada) stopped counting ballots.

        But there’s no evidence of election fraud.”

        Yeah, really. What about the 5 other states that used exactly the same counting system but did *not* need to stop counting? A if you did indeed stop counting, where did all those ballots come from in the morning?

  5. Michigan Passes Laws Restricting Election Recounts for Fraud Allegations and Wide-Margin Victories. They did this just recently. Arizona sent out letters to their precincts stating that counting votes at the specific precincts is illegal.

    I mention this because both of these states have highly partisan Secretaries of State. I am not inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt on honesty. In fact, I could see both of them certifying absolutely bogus totals made up to reflect the candidate they want to win (or lose). The secretaries of state in Colorado and Maine have already shown they are willing to act in such a fashion by trying to remove one of the candidates from the Primary illegally.

  6. In-person voting, voter ID, Paper ballots, pens, and purple thumbs. Anything else is rife with fraud.

    Why is America the LAST nation to figure this out? Why do we cling to the “election integrity” myth like a child clutches her teddy bear? I heard Jimmy Carter wants to live long enough to see PDJT defeated (again). Sayyyyy … isn’t he the guy who flew round the world on the UN’s dime to “certify” and “oversee” that elections were fair? Is he gonna certify the American MESS?

  7. In the last Presidential election I posted on Facebook this question, ” How did Biden get 104,000 votes overnight when voting was closed at that precinct”?
    Facebook promptly notified me I was spreading miss-information and said my posts would not be sent out.
    I left Facebook that day and I have never gone back.

    My state only has mail-in voting and I have no confidence in their integrity at all.

  8. I am still waiting for AllanS to respond to yet another article about election fraud as he claimed for months that there was none.

  9. “Any change in results that occur as counties continue to count ballots are not “evidence” that an election is rigged.”
    Except that it is.
    Circumstantial evidence. It’s one of the things that would happen if the election was rigged.
    I deem this is disinformation published the the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Another reason not to believe them.

  10. Are we surprised? The last election worked so well. 4 years to refine the scams.
