12 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Islam: socio-political cult for subnormal IQ people. Muslims are pretty much all retarded.

  2. Sex with corpses aside, if cruelty is the trademark of your religion’s rejections, you might be in need of a lesson in ballistics.

  3. I know many good kind decent Muslims. I have concluded they are such in spite of Islam, not because of it.

    1. Those good kind decent muzzies still want you dead cause their prophet has decreed it. Except they want the hard core extremist muzzies to do it for them.

      1. I don’t think so. I think they are genuinely horrified by what the Islamists do. More than one has told me this is why they fled places like Iran and it pains them to see the insanity and evil has followed them.

    2. Well, like many non-practicng Catholics many (cultural) muslims are not practicing muslims; I probably know the Koran better than many of them.

      THAT SAID the key concept to understand is the POWER of the VANGUARD. All praise for your compassion but don’t be naïve. The VANGUARD will usher too many of those nice muslim fellow workers and neighbours into action when the time is ripe. Think about this: many second and third generation muslims in the West are more extreme than their parents who probably fled their previous home countries to escape islam.

  4. turkey wants to wipe out dogs like rats.
    they should review what happened when mao decided the same thing with cats and sparrows.
    this time l hope the ghosts of those dead canines bring some sort of biblical plague to that nation which . . . . belongs to Nato?

  5. Re: Hamas in NYC

    “Free Palestine is the new Heil Hitler.”.
    Well said Daniel Greenfield

  6. I can’t wait for the Chinese to march us to a gulag right next to the one for Mooselimbs.
