22 Replies to “When Even Mr. Bean is Against You”

  1. Anyone else think Starmer is on drugs? I’m serious, look at his eyes. Hardly ever blinks, they never move, staring straight off into nowhere.

    1. The thousand-yard stare is a phrase often used to describe the blank, unfocused gaze of people experiencing dissociation due to acute stress or traumatic events.

      He’s inherited quite a sh*tshow. Methinks he’s not handling it well. Rishi must be breathing a sigh of relief.

      1. I wouldn’t quite say inherited, he’s making very bad decisions that are making everything worse. Goes without saying the media/governments have been blatantly lying about everything regarding the real cost of unchecked mass migration for at least 30 years and we’re now at a pressure point. See what happens when you make a dumb policy over one picture of a dead child in the Mediterranean Sea? Montreal Massacre, Rodney King, George Floyd, all stupid knee-jerk reactions that made everything worse, much worse.

    2. Starmer is not calling the shots, just like trudeau is not calling the shots. These guys are too dumb to actually be in charge, they are just the puppet with the hand up their ass.

  2. I think this is from a 2012 or 2013 campaign to remove the word “insulting” from Section 5 of UK’s hate speech legislation (look at the background in the video; ReformSection5.org). That campaign was successful but it was ages ago. Atkinson was right, and well spoken etc., but the speech has nothing to do with Starmer.

    1. Thank you. I don’t believe that I will ever be accused of supporting Starmer but as you rightly point out, Rowan Atkinson’s presentation had nothing to do with him.

  3. (Good ol Black Adder.)
    The UK is sprinting towards dystopia.
    Either civil war erupts and rights the trajectory or it gets nuked.

    1. Yup.
      They all applauded that NAZI.
      They all voted to declare the Proud Boys terrorists.
      They all approved of lockdowns and vax mandates, and stood by while all of us were deprived in detail of our civil rights.
      All this talk of Monkey Pox, or Bird Flu, or whatever is just the gov’ts way of saying “…and we’ll do it again, any time we like.”

      1. It’s easy and a cop out to just say they all blah blah blah but there are circumstances.

        They all applauded a NAZI as they assumed this was vetted, not expecting more Trudeau incompetence.

        I agree the Proud Boys are not a terror group.

        As for COVID it was the thing to do because no one knew what we were dealing with.
        Remember 2 weeks to flatten the curve, which got extended and extended, frog in the pot style.
        The Conservatives did support the Freedom Convoy, which is push back. Liberal supporters still call the protest an occupation, when it was nothing of the sort. That’s the damage CBC did to the facts.

        The real question is would they do it again when most people know it was a blatant attack on the public and small business. I think the Liberals would try, because they are tyrants to start with, but I don’t think the CPC would. Too populist and how they built their support. Hope that’s true.
        But then again, same bureaucrats…..and they are the real problem.

        1. “As for COVID it was the thing to do because no one knew what we were dealing with.
          Remember 2 weeks to flatten the curve, which got extended and extended, frog in the pot style.
          The Conservatives did support the Freedom Convoy, which is push back.”

          Ref Conservatives and covid. They could have/should have advocated the common sense route chosen by Sweden, but when push came to shove, they backed turdo. And to call their position on the freedom convoy “support”, is laughable. A few of them, like groundhogs, came out of their 22-month hibernation and cautiously tested the political wind.

          1. Exactly. Pollievre among them. We had a fully developed pandemic response plan as a result of the the 2000’s Sars outbreak. That, and the blatant shredding of rights, should have been their points to stand on and attack the leftists over.

        2. Sorry Bob,you are extending our Uni-Party members the benefit of doubt,which themselves have cast aside.
          They “Supported” the Freedom Party?
          With friends like them,we need no enemies.
          Not one of 338 stood with the Canadians who chose to protest .
          None stood up against an illegal declaration of “Emergency”.
          Not one got any horse hair on their suit.
          And the Blue Tie Party Leader started fund raising on the backs of the State Abuse.
          Do agree,Same Bureaucrats and Party operatives.

          And they,the MPs, are all so stupid and lazy in their self involvement,another way of saying they suffer cranial-rectal inversion, that they applaud without thinking.
          The Aged NAZI was introduced to Parliament with enough information for them to clue in.
          But they are just performing for the camera,this time they got caught.

          But not one of these “Members of Parliament ” supports our rights and freedoms..
          Instead they all “Support our “Charter Rights” which do not exist,when they are in a State Of Panic.
          And that is the crux of Can Ahh Duh, we stampede from fake crisis to fake doom..

          As Dread Covid Theatre demonstrated.
          There are no adults in office.
          Entitled Children are all we have to chose between.
          As we now know.
          When fools and bandits rule,they are perpetually in a state of panic..
          Fear that their victims will recognize them for what they are.

          Ain’t Kleptocracy Grand?

        3. Well … “they” would have flattened the curve … but ohhhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaaa … the “cases”. Oh my … the “cases” … the “cases” just keep coming and coming and coming. FEAR the “cases”

          “Cases”? Oh dear, that is such a highly technical, medical, term that you just wouldn’t understand … now run along and go shelter in your furthest bedroom from the front door.

  4. I first saw this video several years ago.
    Pretty tame compared to what they’re doing today.

    1. Seen it too. also linked from here at the time. His concerns in this video have been trampled and tyranny and two tier policing have reached new heights.

  5. Matters of opinion illegal?.. They cant define it, but they know it when they see it.. The government measuring your head with calipers.. This can only end in abuse no matter how well intended..

  6. While the tendency is to refer to leftists like Starmer as Stalin or other Marxist “heros”, it would be more accurate to compare Starmer and his ilk to Herr Schicklgruber because leftists these days are more accurately described as fascist. But then it’s really splitting hairs because Marxism and fascism are close cousins. Little daylight between the two. Kind of like two street gangs fighting over territory….one wears blue bandanas, the other red but the concept is essentially the same.

  7. It’s simple. The UK Police FEAR both the hordes of violent Muslim immigrants on the street … and … the (globalist/communist) MP’s. … Tories included. The police are dramatically outnumbered and will do everything possible to preserve their pensions, but abandon their burning and smashed up squad cars. Who PAYS £££££ for all that destruction?

    We are passing into an age of lawlessness and total anarchy. And it’s not just the proliferation of smash and grab robberies. It is becoming violent street gangs of immigrants (Muslims) taking over neighborhoods. Our civilization is crumbling because a greater proportion … a critical mass of proportion … of “newcomers” outnumber the natives. Natives who (mostly) respect each other and the Laws that govern us. The “newcomers” ? Not at all.

    If I were PM? I’d declare Martial Law, and deploy the military on the streets of every NO GO “community”. I’d start shooting people. I’d not tolerate “fireworks”, blades longer than a small pocket knife, or head/face coverings of any type in public. Our culture is crumbling … so WHAT are we gonna do about it? Oh … and I’d start the deportations of ANY immigrant or “Cardiff-born” immigrant offspring who gather in thuggish mobs. I wouldn’t even jail the murderer of little girls … I’d put he and his parents on a one-way flight back to Rwanda.

    Do what PDJT accurately says the third world are doing to us … they’re sending us their criminals and mental patients. We’re taking them in because utterly corrupt NGO’s are making every poor person in the world into an Asylum-seeker. They’re not. We are being invaded by savages. This has got to stop.
