61 Replies to “August 12, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Aren’t those people on an airfield? I don’t think they allow spectators on an air field these days. The picture looks phony whether or not it is AI generated.

        1. One of the media sites had it analyzed and confirmed that it is a composite construction, ie. fake.
          And yet MSM were blasting Trump yesterday for stating that is was fake.

    1. I hope the Christians retaliate with bells ringing several times a day. I miss those bells.

      1. I would love that, but Minnesota is going the way of California. It’s feces all the way down.

    2. So is Russia your enemy, or China, or Islam? Or do you just like hating everything and everyone, Colonialista?

      1. ISLAM is the Greatest Danger…IMO.

        That the Colon craps on Islam and its inbred Degenerates, is A-ok by me.
        I’d see the entire 2.3 Billion of them ERRADICATED.

      2. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. You don’t have a luxury fighting one and asking others to wait.

    1. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t originally a church either. It was supposedly constructed in the late 1800s. That wasn’t that long ago.

      Look at it. Who built it? What tech existed at that time to construct such a thing?

      From the chruch’s plaque: “Dedicated on May 16, 1886, this building replaced a smaller structure”


    1. If due to limited resources, you could only fight one enemy, which would you pick and why? See where I am going with this? Smart people fight one enemy at a time, and while fighting one enemy, they make their other enemies into friends so they can win.

      The Colonialista approach to WW2 would be to declare war against the USSR as well as the Germans. And then proceed to lose. But at least he’d have satiated his addiction to hatred, I guess.

      Dumb as sh** way to manage the Great Game, if you ask me.

      We could have had Russian and Chinese help in ending the Islamist menace. We chose to push them into alliances with them instead. The West is now too stupid to survive, and so it won’t.

      1. “If due to limited resources, you could only fight one enemy, which would you pick and why?“

        Bullshit question. You do not have a luxury of fighting just one while others politely wait in line.

        “See where I am going with this? “

        Of course I do. You are artificially framing the problem in order to create a false narrative. You’re a demagogue.

        “Smart people fight one enemy at a time, and while fighting one enemy, they make their other enemies into friends so they can win.”

        Pick any two as friends that you have to pet and eradicate the third, your choices are: a scorpion, a black widow and a rattlesnake. Which two are you going to pet?

        “The Colonialista approach to WW2 would be to declare war against the USSR as well as the Germans. “

        No, but it would be to hold Lend Lease and then nuke the russia afterwards. Van Neumann was right.

        “if you ask me.”

        Why would I ever asked you about anything? You’re an ork.

        “We could have had Russian and Chinese help in ending the Islamist menace. We chose to push them into alliances with them instead. The West is now too stupid to survive, and so it won’t.”

        You’re not interested in Western success or “ending the Islamist menace”. You’re loyal to russia and want russia to succeed. The rest is demagogy. Neither China nor Russia were ever interested in becoming “friends” and the third threat can be taken care off without their help.

      2. Exactly right. Biden has a a fifty year history of making exactly the wrong decisions on foreign policy. Not that he cares.

  1. “Strong military ally” and all that: The Endless Problems of Admiral Kuznetsov

    “There is no doubt, though, the Admiral Kuznetsov is truly the worst aircraft carrier ever made. Certainly, it is the most dilapidated on the high seas (or not on the seas) today.”

    And, mind you, this [barely] floating joke is the flagship and the only carrier of the “mighty” Ruϟϟischeschweinen Navy. A mighty joke of a Navy.

    1. You may want to worry less about Orthodox Christian Russia and more about Muslim Britain, dude. When (not if) Britain goes full officially Muslim, remember that they have nuclear subs with nuclear missiles.

      1. Considering the essence of Ruϟϟischeschweinen Orthodonkey “christianity” – best illustated by https://img.eurointegration.com.ua/images/doc/9/a/9a423b4-0.png – I would probably trust most Muslims (the only exception being Russia-friendly Iran) before I would trust Ruϟϟischeschweinen Orthodonkeys; the former are guided by their scriptures, while the latter will simply give blessing to whatever their ruler decides to do.

      2. “certain theoreticians [who] say that [Orthodox Christianity] is much closer to Islam than Catholicism is,” ~ Vova Pootin. Truer words were never spoken.

    1. Anti Semitism in Canada is a DIRECT offshoot of our British History – Anti-Semitism has always had a huge following in British governments and Academia. That has insinuated itself in Canadian Politics as well…& should be painfully flippin Obvious to ALL.

      I would add, I don’t see 1 Jewish MP in the Liberal Party, but a shit load of Muslims…
      I see however, a Liberal party happy to invite a Waffen SS PIG into the HOC
      I see a Government that willingly Pays off Islamic Terrorists
      I see a Government gleefully importing Islamics on a daily basis…
      I see a Government 100% on PURPOSE oblivious to Christian Churches being burned down.

      So yea, its no surprise this guy was trashed & warned not to say anything relating to his heritage.
      It’s not just our Medical Institutions…its prevalent throughout the country.

    1. Probably afraid of being shot by the fascists. Yes, Nazis, there are, and always will be, Hiwis among the Russians.

      1. Right two babushkas have learned Ukrainian language overnight because something something Nazis.

        Besides it has already been established that russians are worse than Nazis.

    1. Matt..

      This is no Surprise whatsoever…right.?
      I mean it WAS/Is a De-Facto BIO WEAPON being tested….And they needed & continue to need empirical data so as to perfect the next one…

  2. Importing gang recruits – ““The increase was particularly notable for recent immigrant youth; the unemployment rate for this group was 22.8% in July, up 8.6 percentage points from one year earlier. For recent immigrants in the core working age, the unemployment rate rose by 2.0 percentage points to 10.4% over the same period,” reads the survey.”

  3. I don’t post FOX News articles, since all SDAers probably read that news site as well. But a sub-heading this morning, in a FOX article discussing Kamala Harris’s predilection for avoiding press conferences, it described the president-elect as “sparking intellect concerns”.

    I like that phrase. But during Trudeau’s nine years in office, nobody has ever used the phrase. As in “Trudeau sparks intellect concerns”. A keeper of a phrase.

    1. The smart ones will pick up the techniques that are being taught and use it against the establishment.
      Yes, I learned a great deal from a communist teacher.

      1. My communist high school teacher went into politics. What party does a communist who wants success join? Why that would be the Conservative Party. He spent 20 or 30 years as a provincial member including time in cabinet. He sounded like Kamala the communist who is now running as a right wing Republican.

  4. Here is an odd one. I sometimes use Yandex, the Russian search engine to find things that Google appears to be hiding. I went to use it yesterday using Chrome and got a ” unreachable, connection suddenly closed” message. Tried several times. Then I switched to the Duck Duck Go browser and had no problem. I guess Chrome is blocking Yandex.

    1. Or, Yandex is blocking “you” (your Internet provider). Or vise versa. Lots of possibilities, but with L clearly standing for “LowIQ”, I’m sure you won’t be able to investigate.

      1. Yandex was not blocking on DDG.
        “clearly standing for “LowIQ”. This comment was petty and uncalled for.

    2. My browser is set to DDG. I am generally pleased as a lot of topics appear verboten on Google.

    1. “Academic” anti-semitism is anti-semitism. I’m reminded of Bill Clinton and the meaning of “is”. The chicken-shit intelligentsia.
