Complain About Sexual Harassment, Get Fired

Blacklocks- NDPers Breach Labour Law

“He had engaged in sexual harassment, workplace harassment, discrimination on the basis of sex, abuse of authority and creation of a toxic workplace,” wrote Jasbir Parmar, the arbitrator in the case. The woman was fired “through no fault of her own,” she said.

Evidence showed the caucus took one year to act on complaints from an employee at the Party’s constituency office in Elliot Lake, Ont.

24 Replies to “Complain About Sexual Harassment, Get Fired”

  1. If you believe you are being sexually harassed at work, the first thing you do is this…

    Talk to a lawyer.

    Without a lawyer, you’re a babe lost in the woods, ripe to be taken advantage of. With a lawyer, everything changes.

    1. Add to that, talk to the Lawyer before you go to HR, because HR does what’s best for the company, since the company pays for it.

      1. Yep. You want to approach HR in the proper way, with all your ducks in a row. Your lawyer can advise how to do that.

        Further, it doesn’t hurt for HR to know you have counsel, although you are never obliged to tell them that.

        1. Actually, if you are represented you are obligated to tell them that because they can only communicate with your lawyer.

          1. If you want all communication to go through your lawyer then sure, you have no choice.

            But if communication is between you and the company then you are not obligated to tell your company that you have counsel. That’s protected by solicitor-client privilege. And if your company insists you tell them, they are violating the law.

          2. That’s if you engage the lawyer to represent you, rather than just pay for some advice. If the employer asks, don’t lie. You can decline to answer, but don’t lie.

          3. I’m okay with lying about it as it’s none of the company’s business, but I would just decline to answer. In many ways that’s more effective, as it demonstrates you have boundaries and it leaves the company guessing.

          4. Just to put this to rest. If you are getting legal advice and nothing else and are NOT represented by counsel, you have no obligations to inform your employer in such a case. HOWEVER, if you are represented by counsel, if is required for counsel to send your employer a Letter of Representation…and it behooves (under the rules of legal professional conduct) your employer ONLY to communicate with your counsel.

          5. I have retained lawyers over employment matters, and they have always advised me that I am under no obligation to disclose the relationship to my employer.

          6. This whole thread is why the world is garbage. What the hell are you clowns talking about?

          7. uuuuuuhhhh lOOks to me, one of the FIRST things to establish *with the lawyer you have just engaged* is whether or not and the exact rules are you required/etc to disclose that you HAVE a lawyer rather than take advice from conflicting opinion on an anonymous blog . . . . .

          8. anon:

            Well I didn’t expect that stating a well-known legal fact was going to be contested here.

    2. Are you deliberately glossing over the obvious hypocrisy of the NDPers?
      The same perverts who pretend we must believe all women?
      And bless every loud mouthed haters of Jews?
      You do seem to have a habit of changing the subject,diverting the conversation away form the topic at hand.
      You do a very effective job here,every time the Government Goo is mentioned..
      Is this just natural contrarism?
      Or do you get a reward?

    1. “…the MPP in question is still employed as a MPP,…”

      I mean, it’s not like he did something REALLY immoral, eh? You know, like speak out against the Wuhan flu horseshit like Hillier did. Only THAT would lead to expulsion from the corrupt Ontaro Legislature.

    2. common sense, one would think at that level, in that venue the boyz would shelve the libido. or that adage about power the greatest aphrodisiac is true and very much so it overwhelms common sense.
      which is what happens when the male brain migrates from inside the skull to the end of their dick.
      l wonder what Shakespeare would have to say about all this wokeness and gender crap

      1. Well, it’s widely believed that John Tory was dipping his wick in the Travel manager, while on Taxpayer funded junkets, so it’s not just the NDP that are hypocrites.

  2. Socialists only want these laws to apply to others, the “big mean corporations” and government departments, they make these laws but they don’t have to follow them.

    Limousine Liberals are above any kind of silly law they created for the little people to follow.

    The fact that their idiot voters don’t see that is astounding, hypocrite should be beside leftist in the dictionary.

  3. Back in 2016 the Bong got away with throwing a big league elbow to the tits of ndp’r Vegas Brosseau in the HoC. It was recorded on camera and nothing came of it.
    He’s still leader of the LPC….

    1. Attempted? Try living in the glorious socialist paradise of Manitoba. My wallet hurts just thinking about it.
      I kind of wish that the Metis would hurry up and take the place back….
