28 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. Welcome to tyranny. The next step will be the mandatory messages from the White House to the people. Not an update, but a dictation.

  2. Yeah, they are under total, totalitarian control of the cabal that runs them.

    Now, they are going to propagate through the mass media cartel that it is the other side.

    Of course, they, themselves, could not do a damn thing without the cabal telling them.

    Why is it that the media will not tell who is behind them?

    How is it that the population let them have a free ride?

    Once a beacon of freedom, is sinking on daily basis.

    1. They are being managed. Muted by the powerful backstage Democrats who are well aware that to let them out in public would spell disaster to the Democrat campaign.

      This is just a portion of the Democrat skullduggery. They will pull out all the stops in order to keep Trump out of office and themselves in power. It worked 4 years ago, it will probably work again. Democrats never fight fair, they know well that they could never win if they did.

  3. Nothing will ever change until the Media does.
    How that occurs, who knows?
    But it needs to.
    Likely only if the Swamp is taken out.
    Which is very unlikely.
    So get ready for your Green future of want.

  4. Ron Paul: We live in an empire of lies, propped up by the mainstream media. And seeking the truth in this empire of lies is the greatest challenge for us in the moral bankruptcy in which we live.

  5. The so called combat Tim Walz is now claiming PTSD. Even thou he never went into a combat area.

  6. The odds of an increase in war(s) go way up if Kackles and Krazy Tim get “elected”.
    Xi, Putin & Mullahs Everywhere are all rubbing their beshitted hands.
    And so is Military Industrial Complex.

  7. Harris has turned the contest into a “joyful” campaign, just like Justin Trudeau did in his famous “Sunny Ways” campaign in 2015.
    It will probably work out the same for them as it did for Trudeau. Most people like to be seduced.
    I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to be with this duo in the WH.
    Good time to be old.

    1. Fueled by Happy Smoke.

      You don’t have to imagine it, just look at California. Shit Street City.

  8. I wish that people will stop calling the coming conflict a civil war. It’s nothing of the sort. It will be an uprising against corrupt authourity not an organized battle between geographic segments. This is going to be a revolution.

    1. I thoroughly agree it should be, but sadly many will be on the side of government, and that does cleave geographically, at least to a point. Can you picture northeastern liberal faggots revolting? I can’t.

      1. Peter..

        “…Can you picture northeastern liberal faggots revolting? I can’t…”

        However, I can’t see them defending their chosen Commie leaders either. When push comes to shove, they’ll scatter with their pink tails rammed up their collective (_i_)’s.

      2. Peter: “Can you picture northeastern liberal faggots revolting? I can’t.”

        It seems to me they already are revolting.

      3. No, but their proxies have been, and they’ve been the tail wagging the dog for decades, and it has only gotten much worse lately. How do you think we got to this point?

        1. Exactly. Riots contracted out to Antifa. Local liberal government just delivers the pallets of bricks.

  9. It’s all optics. Biden had become so unpopular and so OBVIOUSLY mentally incapacitated that the Dem’s. could no longer sell another stolen election. Public opinion, polls, and simple common sense wouldn’t allow it. So Biden had to go.

    Now they have Kamelala … another empty woman’s suit. But! They have “enthusiasm” … astroturfed, unearned, illogical “enthusiasm”. And $hundreds of millions in illegal, laundered thru Act Blue, dollars. See!! America LOVES her … the 93% leftist Press LOVE her. Hence, she doesn’t need to speak to hostiles … she can hide in the warm confines of Rap artists, and daytime tv hostesses. Why? Because the optics have been changed such that THE STEAL is back on. THE STEAL is believable again.

    And the other tactic is to simultaneously awash the airwaves and internets that “Trump is his own worst enemy”. That “Trump gaffes are crashing his poll numbers”. “Trump has no policies” … “That Trump is losing it” … worse than our shining beacon of a President Biden. Of course, anyone who has listened to more than 2-1/2 minutes of a Trump Rally knows this is all utter nonsense … but that will NEVER be broadcast across the broad and deep leftist media platforms.

    Will this tactic work? Well … they dragged a mentally damaged Joe Biden across the line with it. And as they say in life … if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Oh, but it is broke … as surely as our country is financially broke, morally broke, and politically broke. Yeah, we broke … to use the ethnic parlance of Kamelala.

  10. “…why would Harris confirm to the electorate that she indeed quickly exhausts her five-hundred-word vocabulary, turns off listeners with adolescent cackling, and is a puerile left-wing ideologue mouthing stale platitudes?”
    Because she’s not very bright. Because that’s all she knows how to do.

    And the Dem. party brass know it, which is why they’re keeping her muted and out of touch.

  11. They don’t have to as the Democratic/liberal lapdog media are changing whatever policies, etc. needs to be changed to present and tout Kamala as Obama 2.0.

  12. President Happy Face.
    Kameltoe is just so much fun…who wouldn’t vote for her?
    Let the good times roll.

  13. My guess — worth everything you paid for it — is that Harris won’t give interviews unless and until she’s falling behind in the polls.
