Monday On Turtle Island

Woke World:  The road from Wigan Pier.  Should pregnant men have X-rays?  And woke is a turn-off.

Today In Jihad: Islam and the West.  Kamala is angry at Israel.  Moderate Muslims in Bangladesh.

Blackie’s Canada:  Justin imports more Liberal voters.  Dear Leader and Doug Ford throw money around this morning.  Federal money for blacklisting Whites and Catholics.

Queen Kamala’s America:  The liberal media.

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.

9 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. RE: “Should pregnant men have X-rays?”
    Please tell me… Why couldn’t they just simply put a sign in the waiting room to advise patients to inform the staff if they are pregnant? The sign can also advise of the dangers of scans to the unborn, and hold the patients responsible if they do not advise the staff if they are pregnant.

    You’re welcome!

  2. 50,000 more people a month.
    A new city of Ottawa every 2 years.
    If anyone thinks this isn’t madness, that it’s economically, socially and ecologically sound, please explain.

    1. 1000% on Purpose.
      Trudeau said so years ago – you will be Replaced.
      Well here it is..

      When and if we have an election….I wonder how many CANADIANS will demand to see PROOF of citizenship from the millions of these invders.

      I for one, am not hopeful

    1. Unfortunately, with so much disparaging comments whitewashing and justifying their own violence, and this is happening on both sides, and because neither side is willing to talk to the other, but instead, insist on propagating myths and lies about the other side, at this point, I can only see one way that this will be resolved, and that is unfortunate, but it is, unfortunately, inevitable at this point.
      Sorry for the long-running sentence. It’s well after midnight, and I’m not in the mood to be eloquent.

  3. Sicking

    11-Year-Old Girl & Woman, 34, Stabbed in London – Citizens Fear Arrest for Commenting

  4. Birju “Mujahid” Dattani has quit his post at the Canadian Human Rights Commission as of today, NP is reporting.

    The review cited a “lack of candour”, so looks like he jumped before getting fired.

    But no one who decided to put forth his name, nor approved him initially lost their job.
