7 Replies to “New thoughts on nuclear development”

  1. Love Quickdickmcdick!
    Where in H is Tuffnell?
    I know where Deslisle is (Played hockey there once. About 60 years back. And won!) but Tuffnell?
    Been to Moosomin and Moose Jaw – never going back to Moose Jaw!

  2. Here’s an interesting thought on nuclear power. We’ve seen in Ukraine that Russia destroyed or damaged all thermal plants, but didn’t touch the nuclear plants other than taking over the ZNPP.

    Therefore, wouldn’t nuclear power be important for national defense?

  3. Quickdick proves that if you Build it They will Come. Only his ballpark didn’t have any Hollywood money, so it looked like a swathed-off stubble field with the boulders all pushed down by the roller attachment. Anyone who could pick up a hard hit ground ball off that mess is going pro! Although the beer probably helps the reflexes … helps to dull the instinct to protect your face and your nutsac from taking a bad bounce.

    I must have missed the part where he went to church on Sunday? Although I did catch the F-word that came out late on Beerday.

  4. Canada has some ideal spent fuel long-term storage places in the shield.
    Candus can burn U-238.
    We could be charging other countries to store their high-level waste, re-processing it to burn in our reactors here before long-term storage.

  5. If governments truly wanted their citizens to embrace EVs, they would scale back ‘Green Energy’ investments and instead invest money in developing fast breeder reactor technology. Fast neutron reactors produce copious amounts of cheap, reliable electricity and they can burn highly radioactive waste produced by our current generation of slow neutron reactors as fuel. This would solve two problems: 1. provide cheap, clean, reliable energy and 2. eliminate stockpiles of highly radioactive nuclear waste. So now the ball is in their court. It’s time for them to put up or shut up.
