22 Replies to “When The Nazis Show Up To Protest The Communists”

  1. I saw one outlet describe the Hamas supporters as “far right” pro- Palestine supporters. Lol.

  2. The left will always choose that group with the greatest potential for social harm.
    That is the only criterion for how they choose who occupies what rung in their hierarchy.

  3. Pederasts on my left
    Pedophiles on my right
    Cops in the middle
    More overtime tonight
    Terrorists on the hill
    Marxists on the plain
    Citizens long gone
    And the world’s insane

  4. There has to be 100 Coppers there. Do they actually do anything to earn their money? Like, can we get a few hundred more to just stand around with their thumb up their asses? Why are they even there? They never arrest anyone from the “rapey, beheady crowd”. They bring them donuts instead.

    1. Yeah, we miss the Chretien era, to paraphrase; I like a little pepper spray on the protesters.
      RCMP, hold my beer.

  5. The Pride people asked for this when they allowed the BLM people to block their parade that first time. Now it’s Hamas…next, some other aggrieved group.

    (still LOL at Queers For Palestine, though…Chickens For KFC…:)

  6. Maybe the Feds should freeze their bank accounts. Oh, wait….that’s reserved for conservative protestors.

  7. It’s truly maddening to see the police protecting some groups of protestors while the Freedom Convoy people were treated as the scourge of the country in the past few years, more so that the Freedom Convoy was entirely peaceful, while those waving the Gaza flags continually advocate for violence.

    Those Coutts 4 are too fresh in the mind to move on for now…

    I’d put the pro Gaza/Hamas crowd at the bottom of who I’d advocate protection for, more so now that the UK islamic pop. has crossed the 6% mark. Worse still that when some push back on this, the UK gov’t jails those squeaky wheels. It’s going to get much worse, before it stays worse. Weirdly so, this may be the last of times for visiting the UK before it really gets bad.


    1. Don’t worry.
      If the Conservatives get elected there will be many, many Liberal “Rat Packs”, particularly among the heavily-subsidized Media and Institutions, that could sure use a little defunding, to say nothing of a little hoosegow holiday and even some well deserved ass kicking in the proper circumstances.
      As if.
      One can almost hear the urine hitting the Conservative panties as they realize the names they will be called.

      Fascist! Nazi! OMG the R word!

      Never mind.(in best Gilda voice)

  8. All the worlds a stage.
    So what are these “policemen”?
    The roadies?
    Or the hired security rent a goon?
    Once selective policing becomes a obvious thing,those it works against will ask themselves the simple question..”Why am I paying for this?”
    Killdozer man was only months ahead of his time.
    And he did not kill anyone.

  9. Two-tier policing question, when the pro-HamAss show up to duke it out with the Queers for Palestine, who gets arrested?

    Two-Tier-Kier says the guy standing on the corner with a cellphone, but how is it in Canada?

  10. Well, after all, fascists and communists are very close cousins….despite what the left tries to tell you, they are not polar opposites but more like two drug street gangs fighting over the same territory…the only real difference between the two is one wears blue bandanas while the other wears red.

  11. It’s Liberal Canada, so obviously there is a hierarchy.
    It’s ever changing and hard to keep up with.
    Often based on current Liberal electoral needs, but definitely there.
    The only constant and sure thing is White men at the bottom.
    Rankers beware!
    Free speech in Canada can make you a target.
    Of Government.
    Of Media.
    Of Extremists.
    Two-Tier UK?
    Pshaw. Amateurs.
    Canada is many tiered and has been for a while.

  12. Yuk….ya nailed it.

    “..Canada is many tiered and has been for a ..”

    Yep, I’d say for at least 35-40 yrs now.

    Just have a quick look at Government/Media/Corporate, Hiring Practices.
    As a white professional male, I am at the bottom of desirables…add in DEI + LMIA….yea.

  13. It only took two Trudeaus to kill a great country.

    Of course, they were helped by #!@%^&*^%! Liberal voters, the terribly dishonest Media and the cooked Courts.

    Mustn’t forget all those Conservatives I supported, worked and voted for, who all turned out to be Liberals.

    Or cowards.

    1. “Mustn’t forget all those Conservatives I supported, worked and voted for, who all turned out to be Liberals. Or cowards…”

      Indeed! They were far more treasonous than the Liberals.

  14. Get ready LGBTQ and other alphabet people. The savages you vote to bring in truly hate you, it’s in their doctrine. Enjoy your pride parades while they still just block you.
