Margin Of Fraud

Show them the woman preserving election records, and they’ll show you the crime.

“The FBI raided my home at 6 a.m. this morning, accusing me of committing a crime. And they raided the homes of my friends, mostly older women. I was terrified,” ” Peters said on the Lindell channel, adding the FBI “used a battering ram” to destroy the front door of one of her friends’ homes, according to Colorado Politics.

h/t Roaddog

22 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. Heh …

    Remember the Soviet Union?
    Well they had trials like this one, there could be no defense, no circumstances, hell, the truth had no value.
    It was predetermined that the accused was guilty and that was that.
    It is also interesting to not that they point to Putin as being totalitarian bully, which he may well be, though they use the same corrupt justice industry to get rid of their inconvenient opponents.
    Just check with Trump.

    1. No, this is what Progressivism looks like. These people are serious, and they want to destroy anybody that is against them. This should not be a surprise anymore.

      1. “Progressivism” IS fascism. The only real difference between Marxism and fascism is the ILLUSION of the ownership of personal property. And it is only an illusion due to very heavy hand of government regulating the entire economy….which is what “progressives” do.

          1. Many words indeed…..but it is important to properly understand what fascism was because it is the left that uses the word like a weapon even though THEY are the fascists.

  2. The “Mercan” Lawfare System is working as it has been designed to accomplished. Peters did a noble and gutsy thing in trying to preserve the voting data from the election.

    The Deep State murdered her husband, robbed her of her life savings and now are attempting to strip her of her good name and integrity of character.

    Looks like being a Republican in some States is like putting a Brandon bullseye on your right ear.

  3. Historically, Colorado went gay and this is the result. When you do not uphold the rule of law, then there is no rule of law and only power remains. Reason is abandoned in favor of control because they can’t win the argument any other way. Canada is not far behind.

  4. Meh…Gateway Pundit isn’t much of a source for anything IMO. They lean towards sensationalist embellishment more often than not. Whatever. I’m not entirely familiar with this case. Perhaps Tina Peters is one of the good guys standing up to election fraud. If she is, her approach appears to be rather stupid and, apparently, illegal.

    I’d have to read the record to comment more specifically.

    1. Orson
      ” They lean towards sensationalist embellishment ”
      Me thinks you are confusing GP with SDA!

  5. Joan Baez earnestly sang a song “Natalia Gourvonoyeskaya” about a woman declared insane by the apparatchiks and thrown into the loony bin.

    Where are you now Joanie? Do your adoring fans not see any similarities?

  6. I guess state elections become a federal matter when it comes to a point where a state might have evidence of election fraud. They certainly weren’t after the 2020 election, where everyone said it’s not a federal matter.

  7. Already here in Canada. I know a doctor from our area. He openly criticized the jab in 2021 even getting quoted in the local newspaper. He and his wife were awoken at 2:00am by a swat team busting down their door and then dragging them out of bed where upon, standing outside in his pyjamas, he was served with papers from public health telling him he was no longer allowed to practice medicine. He eventually did get his license back but only on the condition he agreed to a gag order so tight it included not discussing the jab with his wife! He trained a replacement and left Canada shortly afterward.

    1. “Already here in Canada. I know a doctor from our area. He openly criticized the jab in 2021 even getting quoted in the local newspaper. He and his wife were awoken at 2:00am by a swat team busting down their door and then dragging them out of bed where upon, standing outside in his pyjamas, he was served with papers from public health telling him he was no longer allowed to practice medicine.”

      This actually happened? In Canada?
