Olympics Humour

Humour is often in the eye of the beholder. For example, I’ve never found The Office at all funny but think that Fawlty Towers is the greatest TV comedy series ever. Other people clearly have different opinions.

With that in mind, I wanted to share this meme. I think this is amongst the funniest thing I’ve seen this year:

For those not aware, the humour stems from an Australian Woke DEI Hire nicknamed RayGun. For those curious, here’s the Abstract of her Doctoral Thesis.

15 Replies to “Olympics Humour”

  1. The Olympics are the freaks and geeks show, for that audience.
    Watch and rejoice/weep in your emotion of choice.

  2. In her defense, she can’t break dance very well but she is light years ahead of Taylor Swift whose dancing reminds me of a stick man stomping a trail of ants when she “struts” across the stage screeching.

    1. Similarly as they say about white boys, white girls can’t break dance. It’s amazing that charges of cultural appropriation haven’t been raised

  3. I want to thank the Olympic organizers for including break dancing as an event, and confirming that my decision to boycott television showings of the “games” was correct.

    1. I didn’t watch a single minute of it. Is it over already? Meh.

      However … just reading that bloody PhD thesis synopsis made me retch. Is this what we’ve become as a society? That we affix “honors” to that kind of masturbatory shit!? In fact, it reminded me of a rather brilliant … but I hate to admit it … Green Day song. Speaking of masturbation having lost its fun …


      Nothing but a giant steaming pile of Dookie … that we’re feeding to our children as nutritious brain food. WARNING!!! Lots of bad words and an even worse attitude.

      1. Still waiting for the lead singer to make good on his threat to move to France… maybe this November.

        1. They’re a FAKE punk band … and totally FAKE communists who have enough money to BUY anything they want … and they do.

          Billy Bob talks of “the struggle” … as if he’s ever …

          After the French Olympic opening ceremony … I’d say Billy Bob would fit right in.

  4. I take issue with Rachel not being at one with the beach volleyball gal’s bikinis.
    If they’re not going to up their game on this, count me out.
    and the Olympics organisers dropped some wrestling for this sort of thing?
    Macquarie University is ranked 180th in the world according to the Times Higher Education rankings.

      1. It’s incredible that she was able to generate 350+ pages of gibberish but more so that two presumably adult thesis supervisors approved her work product and that an unknown number of listeners subjected themselves to her thesis defense.

  5. Given that Australia decided that the Olympics were actually best handled as a campy woke joke and parody, I’d vote that Australia be banned from future Games.

    It’s dumb and self-destructive to allow the people who hate your institutions to run your institutions, just out of some DEI-fairness crap-principle. If we take any lesson from this decade, it ought to be that.
