24 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

      1. Bend over, Canada, and Klaus ‘Rectal’ Schwab’s pegboy Justine will administer your great reset

  1. I really do wish it was actually as deadly as they said it was and he received the same treatment ( abuse ) as everyone who was unfortunate to be in a LTC facility in 2020 did.

  2. I recall that the Pfizer employees in Australia got a “special” vax batch that was not available to the general public. Was it saline, was it a placebo? Since no one is keeping track of what is in these experimental injections, (nor are they required to) no on really knows. I suspect that Fauci’s vax is not what you are being offered. The real approved vaccines have to maintain a registry and sample of each batch just in case something goes wrong. This experimental injection does not.

  3. He probably got saline. His “covid” is a PCR test showing positive on 60 iterations. He’s reaching out to the people he lied to with another lie. “I’m in this with you.”

  4. I know lots of people who have had Covid multiple times. I know of no one who wasn’t vaxxed who had it more than once, including myself. It is anecdotal, but I have been closely around lots of infected people since my one bout, and nary a sniffle. I like my immunity better than theirs.

    1. Peter, that’s us as well! We never took a hit of the crap they were pushing, and yes we got sick – and yes it was a bad flu; but I’ve had worse. Took a week to 10 days to finally clear for us, but have not been sick since. All our friends and relatives that have taken the shots and boosters are still getting sick. In our mid 60s, one smoker, and moi, a former smoker. I consider us in the ‘control’ group.

      1. “Peter, that’s us as well! We never took a hit of the crap they were pushing, and yes we got sick – and yes it was a bad flu; but I’ve had worse. Took a week to 10 days to finally clear for us, but have not been sick since.”

        I have it now for the second time, if I can believe the test results. I’ve had worse colds.

  5. I guess it’s time to call it a cold just like any other coronavirus for which a vaccine doesn’t work.

  6. My County has advised mask wearing again. Why? Because the levels of COVID detected at our wastewater plant have quadrupled!!! We’ve gone from counting COVID patients in hospital, to counting COVID ready hospital beds, to counting cases, to counting fecal traces of COVID in our wastewater!! Good Gawwd!!!

    Some people just won’t let go of a good crisis, now will they? Their lives are one long emergency … They came For You, For You, They came For You …


  7. Has anyone asked him what he thinks this tells us about the vaccines? Maybe Killer would like to comment on this.

  8. Please.. Nobody in the money, the know.. Took that crap.. You get sick and you fly to the best PRIVATE HOSIPITAL for intensive care that includes all the things that were banned for you and me..

    Anything less would be absurd.. That is the truth..

    OK.. How many politicians, billionaires, leaders of industry, movie stars, ect. Have fallen over or gotten turbo cancer?.. None, just athletes.. Sure why not.. Morons..

  9. You would think he’d be smart enough to keep his mouth shut about it, but it seems you’d be wrong.
