Shush, Daddy’s Being Fabulous

You’ve got to pretend that it’s all okay… You have to realise that your dad has fallen in love with himself, and there’s no part for you in that where you are not just a prop.

It’s like this person came along and said, “You know how you had a dad? Well, that was all a lie. And all that time, your dad didn’t like being your dad.” And my dad was kind of replaced by this other person. This other person who didn’t love me like my dad loved me, wasn’t interested in me like my dad was.

And his love was conditional.

From the forthcoming film Behind The Looking Glass, about women whose partners, or fathers, have ‘transitioned’.

15 Replies to “Shush, Daddy’s Being Fabulous”

  1. 21st Century Narcissism.
    “No, dad, you can’t borrow my fingernail polish. But maybe we can get a bikini wax together next week.”

    1. The worst kind of destructive narcissism … wherein the narcissist throws OTHER people into the abyss whilst gazing at his/her/their reflection in the glassy waters of social media

  2. It’s all mental illness and various mental illnesses seem to be freely substitutable nowadays. Whereas 20 years ago a teenage girl starved herself, today a nutsy girl will claim they really are a boy. I suspect teens are subconsciously looking for conflict and sex role ambiguity trumps eating disorders. When I grew up there was a moderating factor controlling outrageous behaviour. People who acted out were subject to regular shit kickings by their peers. Conforming had a reward, not getting beat up. We raised chickens. If you have a chick with a black spot, its peers will peck at it until the chick is dead.

    1. Need to bring back shame. When someone does something ridiculous, laugh at them until they realize how stupid they are acting and make an adjustment.

  3. We lived through having the female version of this as Premiere of Ontario. Do we really need to see a movie about it?

      1. Well, it had children and a husband it -abandoned- to shack up with another chick in his same house, so I’m going with technically and obviously for question 1 and 2.

        Hubby lived in the basement, as I heard the tale. Imagine how the kids managed. The cringe would be apocalyptic.

  4. Can we stop calling these people trans-man or trans-woman? I am going to start using the terms fake-man or fake-woman or just confused person, or narcissistic asshole, instead.

  5. A relative decided he was trans. He did the full ‘living as a woman’ thing. It destroyed his marriage in a flash, and he has three sons. I actually don’t know what happened there, b/c I’m not in the info loop these days. He was not an effeminate man, either. And he’s not shaped right to even approximate a “good” ersatz woman.

    After some time, I think he realised that he wasn’t really trans, he was just sexually confused and most likely gay. He had one FB freakout of sorts, IIRC, wherein he babbled something about gender fluidity and preference fluidity. But AFAIK he still prances around like a woman. I don’t think he’s gone all the way yet.

    Now, the outcome would probably have been much different and less distasteful had he not gone that route and just admitted he was deep in the closet, but I suppose whoever he talked to was too woke for that. He needed good mental health care and didn’t receive it. Haven’t seen or interacted with him in almost six years, and I’m OK with that. I avoid the subject with my family.
