22 Replies to “Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community”

  1. Trudeau by his actions doesn’t care what you did before you got to canada. You just have to see his $10 million payment to the criminal convicted of violating the laws of war.

  2. That “Appropriate moment” will never come.
    But CBC will assure us Dear Leader was not lying..
    I will use the available evidence..
    Lips are moving?
    It is lying.
    Past performance speaks.

  3. The Liberals are like the U.S. Democrats….there isn’t a lie they WON’T tell. They are indeed, scum.

  4. It’s all Harper’s fault and we Liberals are saints sent here by divine providence to protect and serve Canadians, you schmucks.

  5. O’Connell is obviously a retard – but by Canadian voter standards, pretty swell.
    Vetting 50,000 a month isn’t doable, even if the Public Service was semi-functional and four times larger.
    People like Trudeau rarely, if ever, suffer from the ramifications of their brutal ignorance and horrific decisions.
    Fate itself probably quails at the prospect of handing him a judicious sentence.

  6. Justin Trudeau is and always has been a Committed ANTI-SEMITE…that sentiment runs through EVERY previous British Parliament around the planet.
    Pays a convicted Terrorist 10M
    Pays 3 other same amount
    Brother Alexandre has worked for the Iranian Govt for over 20 yrs as a Propagandist.
    Lets not forget the 2 False Flags: Quebec mosque attack & Hijabi girl.
    Its likely HIS Suggestion to Burn down Christian Churches
    Damned near Sent in TANKS to Ottawa to quell a peaceful protest.
    But does SFA about hundreds of thousands of this inbred garbage parading our streets while calling for our COLLECTIVE DEATHS.

    This POS is 100% an Islamist & a 4th Reich NAZI

    1. whine whine whine. the core Q is why does canaduh want this?
      no one is asking that enough times and places. ask and answer that one
      no need to ask the rest.

      1. TW, oh you think voting decides stuff our leaders do!?
        Time to burn that dust-laden civics text book.
        It’s all wrong and has always been wrong.

        1. well l do notice some correlation between who gets the votes and who is in orifice (note spelling) and the policies and laws coming out of that old looking bldg in Ottawere. . . . .

  7. This is why nothing the CPC – or the PPC, or the mythical Christofascist Nationalism party – does will matter. Canada gives out citizenship like water. Giving the government the power to strip Canadians of their citizenship is pouring gasoline on a grass fire, so we’re stuck with millions of fifth columnists and street-shitters we can’t get rid of. There’s no fixing this.

  8. Take away parliamentary immunity and then let the people they lie to sue them, frankly it sickens me how they never own up to their incompetence as a regime.

    1. ah Monica. who pray tell is the group/organization/whatever supposed to conjure that change? not the pollllitishuns. who else is there?

      all these parliamentary shouda coulda things. lots of them still around because the elites detest being regulated subjected to scrutiny. a big shot tranna cop severely breached regs intervening in a dui or whatever.

  9. I laughed when it was reported that Trudeau said that the Liberal-NDP government was taking this situation “extremely seriously”. An upgrade from their usual line of taking the situation “very seriously” (and then doing absolutely nothing but hide information) after each weekly scandal, I guess. What a disaster of a federal government. They are the absolute worst government in Canadian history. The morons who kept voting for the Trudeau Liberals should live in eternal shame for helping this government wreck the country. Ditto for Canada’s media who took Trudeau’s money and have provided years of political protection for his government.

  10. Does he know how to use a toilet?.. Getting nailed to a cross and chopped with a machete is bad.. But so is a number 2 on my front lawn..
