21 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. It’s no surprise that gas taxes will continue to rise substantially considering that governments increasingly regard gas consumption as a sin, just like with cigarettes and alcohol.

    1. Probably the journalist’s fault, but the math is not mathing:
      “The total tax consists of four components. Provincial tax is about 38%; federal tax is around 30%; carbon tax is just over 32%; and tax-on-tax is about 7.6% of the total tax paid.”

      that makes 107.5%

      1. Statement is the amount of taxes paid, with the tax on tax figure included in the previous numbers. Carbon tax is added to both Prov and Fed, Fed is added to Prov to create this number.
        Writer would probably have been better to use a separate line to emphasize this.

    2. Mobility is freedom. They don’t want you having none of that. Canadians are imprisoned by their own past votes.

      1. “Mobility is freedom”
        There is nothing a Liberal hates more than a free person.
        Because those people might dare to think for themselves and that scares the shit out of them.

  2. Hurricane Kamala.
    Backward-ass Kamala demonstrates, more than any previous candidate for president, that liberalism is a mental disorder. It is frightening to look forward from the ruins that surround us after four years of the ignorant, narcissistic, treasonous and lying Biden-Harris administration and imagine the further ruination that four years of the illiberal Harris-Walz victimology might render. This time, FEMA’s not coming.
    Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

    1. I’m just waiting for the Trump ad of her voting to pass the legislation that enabled the Tip snitch lines, and the 80000 agents to go after people not paying taxes on tips, there is probably applause from the rest of the democrats for her tie breaking vote.

  3. Taxes on taxes on taxes.
    A true circle jerk with every style of politician in on the steal.
    The Uni-Party of Can Ahh Duh are all liars and thieves,proof is right here in the price of transport fuel..An essential component of civil society.
    Tax on transport in a country this big , is a tax on everything.
    Further proof,of the Uni-Party of Theft..The “temporary” income tax of 1917.
    Just what does “temporary” mean?
    And do I even need to mention GST?
    The Parasitic drag caused by the overload of parasites has brought Can Ahh Duh to collapse.

    The bill is due and there is no “next generation” willing to pay..
    Borrowed money spent on welfare is not “invested in the future”.
    It is gone.

    Now the tax and spend game will accelerate until we stop playing..
    How many Canadian Pesos can you accumulate until you recognize they are worth less than the effort to collect?

  4. Otto von Bismarck

    “The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.”


  5. Some will pay more in tax than for gas itself by 2030..

    Gas is a funny thing.. People notice and get really pissed off.. Politicians cant resist a little relief.. If they know what’s good for them.. If nobody can afford to go anywhere the economy DIES..
