You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy


Secret Service broke into a Massachusetts hair salon during a Kamala event. They covered the cameras with duct tape and broke inside to use the bathroom, let other attendees use the bathroom, and took candies off the desk.

They reportedly left the store unlocked and left the tape on for the rest of the day.


Buddy, in the comments: It’s all shits and giggles till Kamala giggles and shits.

14 Replies to “You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy”

  1. Do people not know that if you get your face up real close to a camera and place a piece of tape over the camera while it is recording that it will, in fact, create a tape of you doing exactly that?

    I’m sure she’s just another DEI hire, probably lesbian too from the looks of her.

    1. lve come to think they know perfectly well what their doing, in a ‘watch me’ sort of mentality, knowing nothing will be done, as a demonstration of their immunity and power. a REMINDER who ‘the little people’ are.
      l really thinkso lve had the same thing happen with cops all too often. ‘power corrupts absolute power corrupt absolutely’ thing. has to be; basic hoomahn nature felllas!!

      1. I was driving behind a police officer last week who failed to signal leaving a roundabout and then failed again to use his turn signal while making a left-hand turn off a busy street. Minor traffic infractions, yes, but I wonder if he had been following me instead and if I had made the same moves would he have written me up?

  2. One gets the drift that the SS, funny how today it resembles an earlier SS, is run by women.
    The thing is that it is run by woke women, they eliminated normal women applicants that would do the job they would be hired to do.
    Woke is the way most of the western world is run today. One haste to add that the woke idiots were voted for by the LIV’s that only know what the mass media cartel tells them, everything else is a disinformation for them.
    It is why the French fascist of the EU feels free to institute censorship, the LIV’s don’t mind since they don’t know what’s happening. Heh …. once they realize, if ever, it will be way, way too late. They will be happy to eat bugs and recycled excrement.

  3. This also points out why you should have bother obvious and hidden cameras to protect yourself and your business from agents of the government.

  4. This story would be the best advertisement ever for automatic steel shutters that drop when there is a breach of a business. The shutters would be designed to trap anyone inside who entered illegally.

    *sigh* I’m afraid the price point for such a system would be too high for most small businesses, such as this hair salon.

  5. All this from the “no one is above the law” crowd. Why should anyone believe them when they obviously don’t even believe it themselves.

  6. The female agent tall enough to block the Ring camera should have been on Trump detail.
