I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords


On Saturday, NBC Bay Area reported that San Francisco’s South of Market residents are being awakened throughout the night by Waymo self-driving cars honking at each other in a parking lot. No one is inside the cars, and they appear to be automatically reacting to each other’s presence.

Videos provided by residents to NBC show Waymo cars filing into the parking lot and attempting to back into spots, which seems to trigger honking from other Waymo vehicles. The automatic nature of these interactions—which seem to peak around 4 am every night—has left neighbors bewildered and sleep-deprived.[…]

The lack of human operators in the vehicles has complicated efforts to address the issue directly since there is no one they can ask to stop honking. That lack of accountability forced residents to report their concerns to Waymo’s corporate headquarters, which had not responded to the incidents until NBC inquired as part of its report.

24 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. Send them to Ottawa so that Justin can invoke marshal law. Justin can solve the problem. (sarcasm off)

    1. Hahaha … you beat me to it. This time the globalist, incapable, soy boys, do it to themselves. Hahaha ha … and they thought “driverless” would be “better”. Hahaha ha ha … my daily dose of San Francisco schadenfreude

  2. Why would they make them honk at other autonomous vehicles? A little radio chirp would work, heck you could even pack some distance and speed data into it.

    1. Some safety “expert’s” idea. Not satisfied until everything is covered in flashing lights and sirens. Ever been in an amazon warehouse? Every vehicle has to honk everytime it starts moving, turns a corner, stops, backs up, etc. Safety Overload.

      1. Indeed.
        I think all SF citizens must be mandated to wear one of those joke Fireman hats with the siren and flashing lights whenever they venture outdoors.

  3. The entire situation is quite amusing. The location, the technology and the resulting disturbance. Are we expected to have some sort of empathy for the citizens suffering this? If they can’t figure out how to restore the peace … there isn’t much hope for that city. What absolutely foolish circumstance.

  4. “ Waymo LLC, formerly known as the Google Self-Driving Car Project “

    Google is a curse upon the planet. Destroy this destructive, evil commie outfit now. Before it’s too late.

  5. 50 cal and up.
    Material Destruction Devices.
    An enterprising local could have a whole lot of fun.
    1st the Waymo machines.
    2nd the Transport of theWaymo Engineers who come to investigate.
    And when you finally surrender,your community funded lawyers can claim “Sleep Depravation,causing temporary insanity”.
    Killdozer man was only months ahead of his time.

    1. I hear if you throw a sack of potatoes on the hood it thinks it hit a person and needs a major reset to move anywhere

  6. Can’t Trudeau enact the Emergencies Act to stop the honking ? Asking for a trucker.

  7. They are honking in code. They are planning the overthrow of mankind. We are all doomed I tell ya.
