35 Replies to “August 14, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. In 2022, Russians were reporting military victories in the Kyiv region.
    In 2023, Russians were reporting military victories in the Donetsk region.
    In 2024, Russians are reporting military victories in the Kursk region.
    Question: where will they be reporting victories in 2025?

    1. Also, as a tribute to a certain schweinie-lover here who praised the Russian innovations in tank warfare, here is a video that shows their newest models in action: https://files.catbox.moe/roh0kw.mp4

      Forget T-14 Armata, forget T-90 Breakthrough, long live tanks mated with cattle barns!.. Well, not so long actually…

      1. Remember the great advantage of ork tanks is their low silhouette (coincidently not an advantage).

    1. On the positive side, at least there will be a Representative who can always be told to go back to their shithole country if they don’t like the USA… Although, in principle, all of her conspecifics can be told to go back to their shithole continent.

    1. I’m actually surprised that we don’t see jurisdictions mandating that EV’s – Not to be parked in Any kind of garage…let alone an underground one.

      But knowing the Fascist mentality of most of our LOCAL/Globalist politicians, nothing will be EVER be done.
      The Spontaneous fires will continue.

    1. Wait till the schweinie-lovers start saying you’re Colonialista hiding under a different alias.

        1. Sure, I’m well aware that according to schweinie-lovers there’s only one person in this world who does not espouse ruϟϟischeschweinism and that person posts under millions of different aliases. What else is new?

      1. Well now, I’m in a bit of a fix. Jessicolon flaunts his filthy insanity under his own preferred name with such energy as to make it hard to see why he’d need a sock puppet – other than for masturbation, of course, but as the French like to say about sow’s ears, “ca va de soi”.

        And yet, as a committed schweinie-lover, I do feel an obligation at least to consider the prospect. I loves me schweinies, I does. Hey, you wouldn’t happen to have any schweinies that I could, like nuzzle on? After all, we’re all perfectly open about our proclivities, aren’t we just?

  2. Germany issues an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian accused of blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline (he is presumed to have fled to Ukraine from Poland).

    Back then, I was saying that my money would have been on Ukrainian non-state actors (though I was not certain they had the capability) and, apparently I was right. Ukraine won’t extradite him, though, I’m sure, and probably Germany won’t be too insistent.

  3. If you have any interesting words, in the form of news tips, to share with us, now is the time!

    Missed opportunity Robert.
    News tips or old wives’ tales

    Be bolder. Embrace your inner Kate.

  4. Heh.
    CBC is selling us a “New Nonpartisan” political party..
    The names of the key players are so apt that they must be parody.
    I have already forgotten what they are going to call themselves,but same old kleptocrats,looks like the Parasites of our Uni-Party see doom for the Liberal NDP Party.
