31 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. “Who can reply?
    Accounts @AM900CHML mentioned can reply”

    Censors to the very end.

  2. I provide for your reading pleasure the very definition of IRONY:

    “CHML began operations in 1927 as a response to censorship of political discussions by Hamilton’s first radio station, CKOC, after that station abruptly “pulled the plug” on a radio broadcast by United Church minister James Hughson…”

  3. Global News Radio – I assume they were typically Global – selling communist, genital mutilating, child molesting propaganda. If they never saw it coming they are really stupid. Why doesn’t anyone else want to make out like (a) Fox and cover the conservative viewpoint. Woke propaganda is obviously way more important than cash.

    1. I read somewhere why dying media enterprises usually go full-woke. They know they’re dying-on-the-vine, they know their employment and paycheques will be ending, likely soon; but very nearly every other news outlet in North America is flamingly-woke. So by going hard-left themselves, they make it more likely they’ll make better names in the industry and find other media jobs after this one ends-up in the ditch on fire.

  4. “The shift of advertising revenues to unregulated foreign platforms” in paragraph 3 almost makes it sound as though domestic regulation is part of the problem.

    Do the unregulated foreign platforms get bailed out with tax credits too?
    You see, even with taxpayer’s / gov’t provided aid that 1000’s of other private enterprises don’t get, these folks can’t make a go of it.

    Not that I’m happy to see them go under prior to the CBC being folded… but I’d feel a LOT more empathy for them if they weren’t already at the gov’t teat.

    In a TorStar article from June, it was reported they’ll be losing another 300 employees by August and mentioned 2 “AM legacy stations” in Edmonton and Vancouver.

    1. In Wangcouver, it was CKLG/LG73 that was sixed. Originally, it was THE rocknroll station, with CFUN following (another defunct entity).
      Then, Corus, in their infinite wisdom, turned it into “news”, traffic/weather info 24/7. I’m surprised it hasn’t been nuked years ago.
      Corus/Glowbull can’t go bankrupt soon enough!

    2. ““The shift of advertising revenues to unregulated foreign platforms” in paragraph 3 almost makes it sound as though domestic regulation is part of the problem.”


    3. Let’s be realistic, the few millions each media company gets from gov is barely enough to pay the top executives. How can they afford to pay the morons they hire to spout narratives?

    1. “There are still AM radio stations in this country?”

      Yup. AM has transmission advantages over FM, which makes it ideal for news/talk/traffic stations (especially in outlying areas).

  5. I have no idea about the Toronto market but when Corus Alberta lost Dave Rutherford their audience has done nothing but shrink. Danielle kinda helped Calgary for a bit but when she left they dropped again. I loved talk radio back in the day Ron Collister (Edmonton) or Gord Kelly (Calgary) or BILL and BILL. Now I can’t even think of the name of one of their voices on Corus.

  6. Meanwhile at the cbc on top of the millions in bonuses they got , today’s toronto sun is reporting of the 7477 employees at the cbc 1450 are making over 100k . In 2015 when Trudeau took power there were only 467 making that, he increased the the 100k club by 230%.

    1. Well be fair, $100k is starvation wages in most Canadian cities anymore – and the $CAN has lost over half its value since 2015. My first hourly job paid the regular-gas cost per gallon back then, 50 cents, now it’s $7.75 – BOY, did I just date myself or what…

      1. You dated yourself. But I pumped regular gas at $.45 per gallon in my first job. That’s ten cents a litre.

  7. The “National Citizens Coalition” or Canadian Taxpayers Federation or some other group always asking for my money should pick up these stations for a song and do something worthwhile instead of hanging around dinner parties in Ottawa…

  8. Don’t know CHML. Never been to the hammer. Not sure whether I should mourn or celebrate.
    However, the fact that they are/were owned by Corus does tend to pull me in one direction…
    The direction that says “Adieu, and good riddance.”

  9. The radio was used for the military grade Covid psyop.. I shut it off and never turned it back on again..

  10. I used to listen to talk radio when travelling about for work. March 2020 I turned them off for good. It was government psyop continuously. The discussions, the callers, the ads. Always with the tag lines of “stay safe” or “we’re in this together”. Non-stop fear mongering and perpetuation of the government propaganda. Good riddance to all of them.

  11. “The shift of advertising revenues to unregulated foreign platforms”

    Seems a roundabout way of saying Joe Rogan is eating their talk-radio lunch.

    Yes, after the Covid psyop abuses, I haven’t read, watched or listened to narrative-spouting tribal media either.

  12. CHML used to be “Hamilton’s Home Town Radio”. It was very popular with many really good radio personalities. For some their popularity got to their heads and became abysmal municipal and provincial politicians. It sadly devolved into a leftist mouthpiece

  13. “ Last month, Corus reported a third-quarter loss attributable to shareholders of $769.9 million and said it is actively looking to cut costs.”

    Seems pretty obvious that this is unsustainable for more than a few quarters. Corus/Glowbull is on the verge of insolvency, not just bankruptcy. There are not enough assets to cover this financial mess.


  14. I can tell you that talk radio in Saskatchewan, CJME/CKOM, is successful. They now have the largest newsroom in the province, by far. They are larger than CBC, LeaderPost, or anyone else. And its been growing, not shrinking. I both appear on their monthly and advertise twice a week, and I can speak with certainty both are effective. But CJME/CKOM have largely leaned to the right, and that goes over well in much of Saskatchewan, especially rural Saskatchewan, where AM is still important to get out there.

  15. The only Canadian AM station I used to listen to was AM 580 CFRA in Ottawa when Lowell Green had a program–even my sons who were not even teenagers yet at the time listened to his show. However, he retired a number of years ago–I haven’t listened to the radio very much since. While Rush Limbaugh was alive, I would religiously listen to AM 760 Detroit back when I lived in Windsor–then online when I moved to Ottawa. Now, I don’t listen to the radio nor do I watch TV (cut the cable almost ten years ago)–I’ve come to realize that even supposedly “conservative/right-leaning” radio stations, especially here in Canada–are nothing but paid propaganda mouthpieces/controlled opposition for the government/Liberals.
