Democrat Apparatchik Posing as a Journalist

Something that wasn’t on my 2024 Bingo Card was to witness a “journalist” pleading with Biden’s press secretary to censor free speech. Yet this is exactly what happened earlier this week when WaPo’s Cleve Wootson Jr. asked Karine Jean-Pierre for censorship of the Musk-Trump discussion.

One wonders if he did this voluntarily or was “pressured” to do so? Either way, people are letting him have it here and here.

Related: Here’s why Elon Musk doesn’t treat the media as a special class of people.

10 Replies to “Democrat Apparatchik Posing as a Journalist”

  1. A journalist complaining about free speech is like a fish complaining about the dampness.

  2. Cleve. Enough said. He surely stands at the “intersection” of every “intersectional” road to Perdition

  3. I watched Megyn Kelly rip this Uncle Tom a new one on YouTube last night.
    Dude should hang ‘his self”.

  4. “ when WaPo’s Cleve Wootson Jr. ”

    “Didn’t Earn It” hire. Looks and sounds mildly retarded.

  5. Wootson has the free speech right to challenge any arguments or factual points made by either Musk or Trump. By asking about how the White House plans to challenge those two things in the interview, I would point out that the White House has the same options – quote different facts or make a logical argument with accompanying facts. That the White House prefers control (and the reporter is too lazy to write his own material) tells me all I need to know about either the arguments or “facts” coming from either the White House or the reporter – bovine excrement in print, political mudslinging large on quantity shy on quality.

    1. These morons aren’t used to being challenged, and they’re lashing out like the children they are. Goes for almost all of them.

  6. I wondered who that moronic “journalist” was who asked that “question”. What an ass. All of them.

  7. Well growing up and reading *1984* I thought it was delightfully odd and amusing. I had no idea it was the whole bingo card.

  8. Anticipated being offended is the new liberal superpower. By 2026 Democrats will be impeaching Trump for future offenses.
