Feeding The Addiction

Global BC- Fraser Health to offer free delivery of harm reduction supplies

BC Conservative Party MLA Eleonore Sturko said it was “concerning” that the harm reduction supplies were being made so easily accessible, while access to treatment remains “difficult.”

“The services should be equal, at least. It should be just as easy to access detox and treatment as it is to order a crack pipe online,” she said.

Place your orders now!

h/t Cameron

14 Replies to “Feeding The Addiction”

  1. Harm reduction isn’t……it is harm continuation. Probably one of the biggest problems with the drug problem these days is the easy access to Narcan.

    1. Indeed. It’s a prototypical leftist program, confirming and approving of personal irresponsibility and bad behaviour.
      Once someone uses that lens to view today’s society and politics, most everything makes sense why BS policies exist.
      Drug Fraud’s government notwithstanding, of course. In Ontario, it doesn’t matter the stripe/colour/name of the governing party, they are all far left. They just wear different uniforms, but the game is the same.

    2. As is the case with all socialist extremists, they turn a phrase into a newspeak, the actual meaning being thrown in so as to fool most of the people, which they apparently succeeded.
      War is peace ……

  2. It is a well publicized government scheme to employ graduates of useless university studies that have no real skills to make a living.
    It also perpetuates their employment, keeping the clients in demand.
    That’s why the government extort obscene amounts of taxes from the working stiffs.

    1. Well said, Vito.

      Everyone seems to forget that our BC Premier was a Downtown East Side activist before he got into politics.

  3. Good lord, talk about due some harm. The first rule of addiction, do not enable the addict-wow BC just wow.

    1. More like WOW NDP.
      Coming to a country near you.
      Another reason to vote Conservative here in October, to stop this wasteful, stupid spending.
      It should be easy to fend off Falcon’s Hail Mary move, no provincial tax on the first 50k of income amounting to $2,000. Most call it a desperation bribe, a seemingly more and more common strategy for BC politicians.
      Vote Conservative. We need an abrupt RIGHT TURN IN BC.

  4. “Harm reduction supplies” is a crass euphemism for “drug delivery supplies.”
    Vote in October, BC folks.

  5. You bet I’ll be voting come October. This experiment in drug decriminalization and “harm reduction” needs to end.

  6. Everyone, and I mean all the researchers, healthcare providers, housing advocates, social advocates and several doctors, are using drugs in Vancouver. A prominent SFU researcher whose work was instrumental in designing drug policy OD’d on fentanyl in his Crosstown apartment about 7 years ago. Covered up by the City. No one wants to own up to their complicity in these crimes.
