33 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Well … let me go on record by saying the whole penis part? Fantastic! Brilliant design! Couldn’t be better! I’m a MAJOR fan of the pennis.

    And women!? The design of women!? Oh whomever designed girls gets TWO thumbs up!! And every girl and woman I’ve ever had the pleasure to have known seems to have shared my positive opinion of that design … and functionality.

    1. Pretty sure appreciation of women is due to brain/hormones. If you did not appreciate women that would mean you would be a failure of the evolutionary system.

      But not designed simply the cumulative effect of enough changes that are mainly the result of maximising our chances of reaching breeding age and ensuring that our children also reach breeding age.

      1. It’s much more than that … it’s design. Call it hormonal, call it evolutionary selection for maximal breeding … but it comes down to pleasing design. There’s nothing quite like a proportionally healthy young woman’s body. The pinnacle of “intelligent design” … pleasing to the eye and to the touch. Nay, irresistible to the eye … but don’t touch in CA without a written contract.

  2. “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!”

    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭13‬-17

  3. From the youtube comments “who runs a sewage line through a recreation area?”

    Evolved does not necessarily mean better

    1. Funny thing though … in my own personal experience that’s never presented a problem.

      Now … OTOH … or the other side … if you are defining the rear hole as said recreation area, then yeah … that’s not such a brilliant design.

    2. God, but that’s an old one. At least as old as the semi-puerile content of the RedEye back in the day, where I first saw it in the mid-80s. I was always amazed that engineers could both read and write.

  4. l once during my tenure as a part time senior credit course undergrad, made the mishtake of pointing out to a burned out coed in her last year not to bemoan, seeing as she was a 1%er:
    -good looks.

    it blew up in my face as, what was it? oh ya, “inappropriate”, referring to her appearance in aka * context *, but no, it was my face like a mule did it. aka a brad pitt doppleganger might not ‘face’ (pun intended) such scrutiny l pointed this out in my defense, they didnt take it.
    this was when covid had just started we were doing video meetings.

    l quit in another yr and a half; ironically l had gone to student support services describing an ominous feeling l thought, being autistic, l was going to be caught up in the microaggression playbook.

    damnedable university environment, REALLY hostile for my generation and gawd knows who else. l hope the mandated jabs cost them dearly healthwise.

  5. You know, some of the BS masquerading as wisdom these days just slays me.

    Humans are the top predator on planet Earth. There is -nothing- in the animal kingdom that can keep up with humans. Name one other animal that can run ten miles, swim a mile, then climb a tree. There aren’t any.

    1. I’m not sure if any animal can even run 10 miles.
      That being said, there exist animals that could chase a human, swim across a river, chase him up a tree, climb the tree and get him.
      I’d say its our brains that made us a planetary apex predator more than anything else.
      There do not exist animals that can drive a car or solve differential equations, though.

      1. “there exist animals that could chase a human, swim across a river, chase him up a tree, climb the tree and get him.”

        No, not really. Sweating and bipedal gait is the unbeatable combination. Other animals are faster, like horses, cats, rabbits etc in sprints. But no other animal has the stamina of humans. Humans can’t be beat for the long haul. Straight up aerobic capacity, skeletal efficiency and better cooling.

        Add the opposable thumb and the big brain on top of that, it isn’t even close.

        1. Stamina won’t let you escape, say, a bobcat.
          That stamina comes mostly from our ability to sweat from our entire body. We can dump heat better than anything else.

      1. Most fighting age adult males could, throughout much of human history, run down any animal.
        As to doing a triathalon like that, I wouldn’t say a tiny minority.
        I figure those skills have been in decline since we discovered agriculture, but I maintain that most fighting age could be trained to do so.

      2. Missing the point. Nothing else on Earth can do that. No bugs, no birds, mammals, reptiles, nothing. They can’t do it. Bears come about the closest, but they can’t run ten miles. They’ll be lucky to do a mile, and the reasons are aerobic capacity and cooling. They run out of breath, and they get too hot.

        Humans don’t. They can do it all.

        1. A bobcat could chase a human, swim over a river, climb a tree and get the human.
          The advantage of our stamina comes into play when we are predating.

  6. Towards the end they speak about the increase in height in certain regions. This, they say, is a result of evolution of the species. Maybe, a small portion of it. But, I would argue that a vast majority of increased height is related to diet. As and example, I was in China (mainland over 15 years ago). I was there more recently, as well, in the last 3 years. 15 years ago I could walk down any street in Shanghai and see an ocean of dark haired heads basically all of the same height. I’m 6’6″, so it was a low field of dark haired heads. However, upon returning to virtually the same area in the last 3 years I visibly noticed more than a handful of Chinese in excess of 6 feet. The sea of dark haired heads now how waves. You’re not going to notice species evolution over such a short period of time. But, you will notice a significant change in body advancement based on living conditions.

    I, also, noticed that this video stayed away from the origin (or cause) of darkened skin vs. “white” skin, and how the region (hence, weather conditions over time) was the primary catalyst. I think that is an issue that needs more publicity. For some reason, shows like this always skirt around it.

    1. Peter Frost, an evolutionary anthropologist, believes skin, eye and hair colour in Europeans are due to sexual selection pressures.

      Seem to remember there are something like 17 alleles controlling hair colour in Europeans, 5 in Asians and 1 in Africans.


  7. So humans are a mess because of “evolution”?

    In order to replace leaking oil cooler lines to the remote oil filter on my Blazer (a $50 part held on by three bolts) I have to either undo the motor mount and lift the engine or drop the front axle. This utterly moronic feature was DESIGNED into the vehicle! Of course you could also say that it was an evolutionary result of removing two cylinders from a 8 cylinder engine block to produce the 4.3 L Vortec.

    Establishment scientists and their atheist fan boys (otherwise known as communists), like the members of the glow bull warming cult, just keep repeating the dogma of evolutionary THEORY hoping that if they repeat it enough it will become truth.


      1. Actually, evolutionary theory is a theory, nothing more.
        As is intelligent design.
        Science is the process of figuring out which theory is better at explaining our existence.
        Fascistic atheists, on the other hand, ram dogma down people’s throats and impoverish scientific inquiry.

        1. No.
          Scientific theories aren’t just theories.
          They have to meet certain criteria before they can be called a scientific theory.
          Criteria like making predictions that are then tested by experiment.
          Evolutionary theory is a scientific theory.
          Intelligent design is not.
          Also, intelligent design is not useful
          Evolution is.
          I’m not an atheist.

          1. Whose criteria? Your criteria?

            Please cite the experiment that created a new species.

          2. Experiment has made reproductively distinct mayflies, aka speciation.
            Here’s a list of them, dating back to 1969:
            Speciation isn’t the only prediction of evolution:

            Evolutionary theory allows us to understand and exploit life forms, to actually do things.
            Intelligent design does not. Intelligent design serves only to support an anti-atheist narrative, ie its a politico-religious model, not a scientific model, existing only to support a narrative.

        2. Global warming is another political model, and not a scientific model.
          I guess you could call it a religion, where the elites are the gods, who rain their munificence down on us by having us own nothing.

  8. Experiment has made reproductively distinct mayflies, aka speciation.
    Here’s a list of them, dating back to 1969:
    Speciation isn’t the only prediction of evolution:

    Evolutionary theory allows us to understand and exploit life forms, to actually do things.
    Intelligent design does not. Intelligent design serves only to support an anti-atheist narrative, ie its a politico-religious model, existing only to support a narrative.

    1. Um, the experiments were with fruit flies, not “mayflies.”

      That being said, none of these sources you provided “prove” “evolutionary” theory. They do show that you can get isolated populations that adapt to their environments. The experiments that manipulated fruit fly populations produced mutated populations that never go on to survive anything other than the specialized environments they were bred in. None of the populations that resulted went on to form “new” species. The only things these experiments demonstrate is the plasticity of the genes already inherent in these organisms, along with the occasional, always debilitating, mutation.

      Of course, if you do believe these experiments cited in wikipedia led to speciation, then you should have no trouble believing the National Socialist politico-religious model – an atheist belief system, by the way – which states that there are inferior races of man. After all, the very mechanisms of speciation you are promoting – allopatric, peripatric, parapatric, sympatric – have quite obviously led to the major differences in human populations on various continents on the planet. I believe the term is “Darwinism”.

      1. Its not about “proving a theory”, its about the fact that evolution is science and Intelligent design is not.
        Deal with it.
        Also, calling me a NAZI doesn’t do anything for your argument, and it makes you look like an idiot.

        1. I’m not calling you a Nazi. However, I am curious to see how far you will go in order to support your convictions.

          Why are you so fixated on ID directed evolution vs adaptive evolution? They are not the only theories to choose from.


          1. That isn’t an alternative to adaptive evolution.
            It is very interesting though, thanks.
            What that is is another control mechanism for embryological development, or even phenotypic development, indeed, its yet another piece of evidence suggesting that the use of mRNA jab technology on humans is insane.

  9. I’d have more respect for the religious nutters on these threads if they ever, just once, engaged with the actual scientific theory of evolution instead of the Gish Galloping they routinely do. God granted you a brain and the ability to reason. Stop mocking his creation by not using it.

    1. I’m not sure what Gish Galloping is, but I must say I like the sound of it. Should we perhaps add an annual Gish Gallop to the Calgary Stampede? Of course, once we’d spent the money on the signs, we’d learn that “Gish Galloping” is archaic Hollywood slang for having sex with a full set of sisters, and have to scrap it all.
