It’s Not Our Fault

Blacklocks- Plot Blamed On 2012 Cabinet

The 2012 Conservative cabinet is to blame for a suspected terror plot foiled three weeks ago, Liberal MP Jennifer O’Connell (Pickering-Uxbridge, Ont.) yesterday told the Commons public safety committee. Then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper compromised national security, she said.

16 Replies to “It’s Not Our Fault”

  1. They will not take responsibility for their own efforts (and failures) – behaving like children caught being naughty. We need adults in political office, not children.

  2. I blame PET for the current state of Canada. He may not have been the father, but he wasn’t much of a parent. Or anything else.

  3. Remember, Global Warming® causes everything.

    O’Connell should throw that one against the wall and see if it sticks.

  4. Progressives are so pathetic.
    “But Harper” after the man has been gone since 2015.
    So they are confessing that they have accomplished nothing in nearly 10 years..
    Strangely enough, I believe them.
    Nothing of use to the tax paying citizen of Canada..
    That is a certainty.

  5. As I’ve asked before, has the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government taking responsibility or been accountable for any of their scandals, incompetence or corruption? They act like children and teens who also refuse to take responsibility for their actions or inaction. Such an awful, immature government full of narcissism, entitlement and arrogace.

  6. Like I wrote yesterday, she’s obviously retarded.
    Maybe she’s depressed.
    Somebody should feed her some shit.

  7. Would it be possible to get a little bit more of the story in the summary for those who don’t have a subscription?

  8. The DEI caucus of young women ordered by Trudeau continues to amaze me. Is she competing with Atwin for the ‘dumbest sack of hammers’ award?

    1. I believe Jennifer is the chairwoman of the House Most Annoying MPs committee. Deputy Chair, Chrystia Freeland.

  9. PMSH may have reduced staff in that department – I never trust anything a liberal says.
    PMJT has increased the size of the Swivel Service by almost 70%, I believe, but apparently this department received none of that largess. (this department that YOU claim is so crucial for the safety of Canadians.)
    So…..if your department can only handle a certain # of immigrants, and for years YOU import millions more than the department can handle???
    That would be the department that YOU have been in charge of for the past several years……
    Your department…..your immigration numbers…
    Obviously somebody else’s fault.

  10. Liberals same old same old — they want to be in control of everything and responsible for nothing.

  11. The various hangers on who stepped from the disaster of the Dolton McGimpy/Kathleen Wynn era to the Trudeau disaster got away with blaming Mike Harris long after he was gone, why wouldn’t try again with the boogyman of Steven Harper?
