21 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. Well, here’s a silver lining. Since the withdraw, the Taliban have crashed five of those attack helicopters that the US left behind due to pilot error. So, basically, the DEI factor strikes again. 😀

    1. What do you expect? They’re muslims and therefore mentally retarded.

  2. Just in time to remind America what Biden/Harris did to our Nation … did to the Planet. Not. Good.

    Now all the girls and women in Afghanistan can get their asses back into the kitchen and/or bed. No more school for the girls. No … now they’re doing what JD Vance said women would rather be doing anyway … having litters of Muslim children. No arguments, or you’ll get beat! Unlike JD’s suggestion … the Taliban won’t tolerate any Hollywood actresses backtalk. Best to get all your 9yo Muzzie girls betrothed.

    1. Yes I remember the lines of feminists that were going around the block to the Army recruiting centers to join the fight to save thier sisters from the eeeeevil patriarchy in Afghanistan.

      1. Yeah … I’m so used to speaking sarcasm … that which appears OBVIOUS sarcasm to me … sounds like a troll to some. Oh well … /sarc.

    1. Yes Trump told the leader he was going to bomb his ass if they messed with the redeployment back to the states. Since then they are best buddies. It’s Joe who messed around, and found out. Maybe that Pride flag over Kabul didn’t win too many hearths and minds?

  3. Great Moments in HerStory.
    The Taliban celebrate the incompetence of the Biden/Harris administration. Hyena Harris likely wasn’t even aware we had troops in Afghanistan, and simply thought of it as a tourist destination she’d yet to visit.

    The date will eventually become a national holiday in Afghanistan, marking the Taliban’s entry into the international arms trade, as the largest supplier of American armaments to terrorist organizations around the world.

    Of Hyena Harris’ accomplishments, this one is right at the top of the list.

  4. The US departure from Afghanistan was the early stage of the Rise of the American Empire, get out of all the global conflicts and concentrate on the economy at home, imho. No more color revolutions, regime changes or meddling in other nations business.

  5. Both the Pride Parade and Taliban Parade have a similar number of dress wearing, scarf fancying bearded dudes that do the Saturday Night Fever, John Travolta pose when there’s a camera around…

  6. You know, If Senator Scummer from New York got his “No Kings Act” passed, it would be fun to round up every democrat that provided “material support to a banned terrorist group” in the withdrawal from Afghanistan and who continued to funnel money to the Taliban government, and the entities they control.

    (yes I recognize that the NKA has zero chance of passing, and is likely unconstitutional on it’s face)

    1. So all them people with the Palestinian flag in their offices in Congress would be in shit, or does it only apply to the Taliban?
