36 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. In a shithole like Canada, it is easy to lose hope, and MAID also appears to be the only medical service in Canada without a horrendous wait time. Medical care in Canada often amounts to unintended MAID as it is third world at best.
    At least we have found one thing the government can do well and in a timely manner, kill its citizens.

  2. Justine is yet again doing nothing somewhere secret in the NCR…
    I love how he nags Canadians. Well deserved too.

  3. Peter, as bad as it is (for the best medical system in the world) it is not third world. Although, your last sentence looks right.

    If we can’t accurately describe our present situation, we won’t be able to fix it.

    1. I was being kind, i’ve been to a hospital in Mexico, far better. We are last world, no world, any pejorative you like. Wait for dermatology in my province is over two years. We have 2 hepatologists for a million people. New Knee? 16 months. New hip? Same. In hospital infections are a non trivial cause of death. The main and largest hospital in the capital city has been condemned for years, you cannot drink the water in taps, cases of bottle water sitting around in the halls. Should I go on? I hope “the best medical care system in the world” was dripping with sarcasm. Canada has never had the best health care, and it is miles below what it was.

  4. I think shooting at people standing in their front doors, is a declaration of war. Just wait until the victims start shooting back, because there is nothing else to be done with their backs to the wall, and not with paint balls.

    1. Article calls them paintballs but mentions muzzle flash. Possibly training rounds from a tear gas grenade launcher.
      That’ll leave more than a little red welt and a bruise.

  5. Yaniv Kubovich and Michael Hauser Tov
    Aug 13, 2024

    “Random Palestinians have been used by Israeli army units in the Gaza Strip for one purpose: to serve as human shields for soldiers during operations.

    “Our lives are more important than their lives,” soldiers were told. The thinking is that it’s better for the Israeli soldiers to remain alive and for the shawishim to be the ones blown up by an explosive device.

    This description is one of many obtained by Haaretz, some from combat soldiers, others from commanders. The picture that emerges: In recent months, Israeli soldiers have used human shields in this way all over Gaza; even the chief of staff’s office knows.”


    1. Good idea, but even better would be to attach a small remote-control explosive device to Hamas prisoners. Then send them into buildings and tunnels first to detonate any booby traps that may be there. If they run, activate the explosives. Time to take the kid gloves off.

    2. Since the HAMAS doesn’t care about civilian casualties I find this report to be highly suspect. I recall when the IDF took over the first hospital in GAZA there was a video of a HAMAS fighter dressed like a doctor shooting from behind a premature infant’s incubator.

      Not creditable. Of course it is Ha’Aretz, the CBC of Israel.

    3. Haaretz is trash. They are known to just make shite up and this is among it.

      If you believe this you must deserve to.

    4. Be a human shield for either HAMAS or IDF???

      Decisions, decisions. What’s a poor Gazan supposed to do????

  6. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. Britain’s civil war is over. The next round will be how quickly the Brits accept sharia law.

    1. Tell me about the Americans who are still in jail for protesting a fake election. You’re all going to do something about it after the next fake election right?

  7. There is nothing quite like a beautiful Indian (feather, not dot) princess with surgical enhancements. Sneaky Walt knew what would bring the fellows to town.

    1. Notice how they started the video with an Italian guy rowing a canoe down a polluted river.

      1. That should have been out first clue – back in the early 1970s – that it was all a scam to begin with.

      2. Don’t see any of the Indians giving up TV, snowmobile, guns, liquor and all the evil inventions of Whitey to get back in harmony with nature

        1. Or 4×4 trucks.
          Pop and chips don’t deliver themselves you know.
          Well, they do when they are flown in where there are no roads to the reserves…….about a 5 to 3 ratio for pop and chips compared to actual food I hear from a salesman. Make room for the fried chicken though..

  8. Arty’s correct.
    Hey Britain: Islam is problematic.
    You’re toast.
    Nuke yourself before the US has to.

    1. I recall reading a history of the Manitoba and north western Ontario region written from before the political correctness lunacy appeared to clean up history. European men report they were frequently approached by Indigenous men with sex slaves for sale. The Cree were the biggest brokers of sex slaves captured by Dakota warriors from other tribes. I think those reports are likely correct because I was staying at the Fort Mohave Reserve Casino and Hotel and they had a Fort Mohave historical museum which included a lengthy description of how often the Mohave were raided by Apache and their women and children taken as slaves. The reason the Mohave set up a reserve right next to an American fort was because the American military stopped the Apache raids and often found and returned the captives.

  9. There is a good case for having medically assisted deaths — specifically in those cases where the patient faces a painful and imminent death, and specifically requests it. There is nothing humane in allowing people to suffer just to keep them alive for a few months longer.

    But the ideologues in Trudeau’s government are jeopardizing this by allowing MAID to be applied recklessly.

    1. I actually find myself in agreement with you. However I would take it further than “recklessly applied.” During the plandemic the Ontario Medical Association briefly declared anyone who refused the COVID jab you so enthusiastically support to be mentally ill and in need of psychiatric care. I do not think, given how quickly and easily our government in Canada suspended all rights, and got rid of pesky ethical standards like informed consent and privacy, that it would a far stretch for our self righteous unrepentant Public Health officials to impose a rule of “jab or MAID, your choice,” in the next plandemic they choose to generate on behalf of our political masters.

      1. Excellent! And if I may I add a few words to your last sentence: … and their Big Pharma pimps.

      2. When Russia was blessed with Bolshevism, dissidents were put in psychiatric wards. The Communist overlords figured that anyone who refuses utopia has got to be crazy.

      3. Justin

        100%….one look at BC and that end result you speak of will most likely come about…

        Things around the planet are goin FAR FAR off the Rails of Normality & Mandatory MAID is precisely what the GLOBALIST NAZI Filth would love to see.

        Get yerself armed folks…

    2. As with so many things in our newfangled culture of DEATH … MAID didn’t need to happen. MAID has always been happening … just as you say KM. How do I know? Let’s just say I have had some up close and personal experience. And no … I didn’t push the plunger with the go to sleep peacefully medicine. Nor was I the one who suggested it … but I gave my vote for it … Democratically. It was administered, with the full knowledge and consent of the recipient who was locked in a never-to-end painful spiral toward death.

      It was a most merciful, and respectful ending. Were Laws broken? Probably. But in this case nobody was ever to know. And in this case … the Law was inadequate to administer true Justice and mercy. I have no doubt this happens thousands upon thousands of times per day

    1. Well … he already wore his mom jeans better than Kamelala ever did. And he governed as if he had a gaping vag. like Kamelala. Too coarse? Sorry … the systematic destruction of America isn’t a topic for polite discussion.

  10. The North Sentinel Island tribes (despite having tires and wheels washed up on their shores for generations ) still haven’t figured it out.

  11. OJ … thank you, thank you, thank you !! For posting the Lab Rat discussion between two men who I could listen to on a continuous loop for hours; Mike Rowe and VDH. And for EVERYONE with a YouTube channel … THIS … is how a conversation should take place. With TIME for each speaker to thoroughly answer a question or posit a thought without interruption. Gawd these two MEN are so respectful of each other and so intellectually stimulating.

    I’m only 30% through the 1-1/2 hours … but I HAVE to get some work done. I’m definitely coming back for more discussion about the “muscular” part of our population.

    And who knew that VDH was a Press embed in the Iraq War? I didn’t. But the stories he tells of it are chilling, if not inspirational. And a reminder that we have no such thing in the Ukraine slaughter, err … war we are funding.
