24 Replies to “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”

  1. So Sajjan plans to create another bureaucracy, for firefighting that won’t do any actual firefighting.

    I’m sure he can put his leadership skills to work, and then burrow in to run it.

  2. Quite a come down from being the defense minister. Never let a crisis you caused go to waste. I like that federal preparedness minister title. What a mouthful to say. I think Alberta and bc will say F off but politely. Maybe.

  3. With 25% of the population employed at some level of government, what improvement will federalizing firefighters make? None, none at all. Just another control by our federal dictatorship that can be turned into a cash cow giving out curdled milk and then dying. And answering to no one…

  4. The federal government 10x removed from my burning community.. Whatever, time to join the fold..

  5. Sounds like yet another govt hideout for DEI lib voters to screw things up and get paid handsomely for it. Just another day in Canada.

  6. He’s just looking ahead to further props he can order as back up to visiting Bollywood performers.

  7. The Trudopians aren’t willing to fund the military at even basic levels and they burned $50 Billion bribing companies to build batteries here that will instantly be obsolete, but now they want to create another whole new agency, to handle emergencies.

    Fantastic idea

  8. “Red” communities … you burn to the ground. Isn’t that what is being sought out here?

  9. Yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to transfer an important safety department to the most inept, incompetent, wasteful, all politics all the time and corrupt level of government in Canadian history. They screw up everything they touch.

    Likely scenario during a fire : Hours on hold waiting to talk to work from home staff, weeks to form a plan after ensuring DEI and sensitivity training, months to actually get off their asses and maybe do anything…and then hire their buddies at exorbitant prices who perform extremely badly and blame someone else for the disaster.

  10. We already have seen how “Federal Command” of firefighting works.
    Jasper is what you get,if the Departments of FUD are involved.
    And the minions involved have already told us,what a great job they did there..

    Although I kinda warm to this idea..After a couple more burnouts,thanks to Federal Government “help”, the faggots being thrown into the blaze,might still be wearing safety vests.

    It is almost a perfect “Karma is coming” case.

    Bureaucracy and Fire have so much in common.
    Both start with abundant resources and leave nought but ashes.
    Both are driven to consume every resource available.
    Both create their own wind.
    And both rage when uncontrolled.
    Starving them of fuel is the only way to prevent massive destruction..
    And nature has evolved to create new life in the waste left behind by both.
    And when the “new Growth” becomes decadent,both return,laying everything waste once again.

  11. Quebec will have the best battery operated fire trucks and lavish fire halls while everywhere else will have two dudes with a bucket. None of them will ever put out a fire because it’s dangerous or something.

  12. And forest fire fighters are still waiting for the water bombers the Trudeau govt promised 2yrs ago, but putting out fires don’t fit the world is burning adgenda of this corrupt govt.

  13. I think I know how this will go. Southern Ontario will have a fire truck for each city block, and everywhere else will get one fire truck per province. When you call to report a fire, they’ll recommend FAIB, Federal Assistance in Burning.

  14. Oh great! Another level of bureaucracy.

    I fought a lot of fires as an assistant ranger in the BC Forest service back in the 60s & 70s. Since then bureaucracy has infested the system. Back then, every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 60 could be conscripted to fight fire. Now you have to be “trained” and wear one of those colourful jump suits. Back then, anyone discovering a fire was required to take action. Now they are told not to – an official has to come out to the fire and assess it before anyone can take action.

    I’m convinced this is why so many fires grow so big these days.

  15. Kind of hard fighting fires from your goberment home office, yea cause the feds have done such a wonderful job via running the Military and RCMP. No thanks.
