90 Replies to “August 15, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. Be careful there, my DMV is staffed (and stuffed) by obese cat ladies in floral dresses. They are moving like molasses going uphill in January but they are not black, there is an Indian (dot) Godzilla supervisor that has her own gravitational filed, and in front of her a white, a Latino and a mix (my guess Trinidad) ladies who take their time breathing. There is also a skinny black dude who approaches retirement age. He is the only one who does anything, moves with purpose and is genuinely helpful. And it is always the case in every DMV they have that one older black dude who does all the work. I believe when he retires there is a period of transition in each DMV and eventually a young Far Eastern lady is hired and it is her who then does all the work. So yeah, in each ?DMV always go for the skinny older black dude with a well kept beard.

        Besides the chimps in the linked videos never had a job other than dealin, pimpin and whorin.

    1. That clip of Rowan Atkinson is from 2012, and the surrounding video voiceover is AI-generated.

      1. “Who keeps lending Argentina money?”

        Three times in the chart and one more in the text. Who? The same people who accepted the Zimbabwe Dollar??? In 4 consecutive revaluations Zim inflated the currency 10 to the 25th power.

    1. Another view of the same street corner.

      “(ca. 1882)* – Another look at one of LA’s first electric light poles. View is of the buildings on the east side of North Main Street at Commercial Street at near right, looking toward the Baker Block. A man can be seen standing on a platform half way up the street light mast.”


      Weird priorities to build those and yet travel through mud.

      1. Great pix. Old LA was a beautiful place. Amazing what the Democrats (communists really) have done to destroy it.

      2. Tarmac was invented in 1902. People had been building stone buildings for thousands of years already. They could have cobbled the street if they wanted to, but maybe LA is dry enough that they didn’t bother.

        Also, the buildings were built and owned privately. Government was responsible for the roads. People can build whatever they want and don’t have a lot of control over what the government does.

      3. I doubt it.

        Good road tech had been around at least a thousand years at that point. I believe it’s unlikely they were waiting for the invention of tarmac.

        That looks to me like a partial recovery from some disaster. Something else is going on.

  1. Republicans for Harris recently held a Kamela-curious virtual meeting and 70k watched.

    Maybe it’s no big deal but it suggests just how organized the Harris campaign is.

    The Trumpster has had the tables flipped on him. If polls are to be believed, he’s swimming against the tide and it’s not going well.

    A month ago he had this in the bag.

      1. “If you believe that, then the propaganda is working.”

        Yup. They are pulling out all the stops, but Harris’s polling bounce is over no matter how hard they try to keep it going. Now it’s time for her to get out there and do some interviews. Can’t wait to see her self-destruct in public.

    1. Propaganda and spin comes from both sides.

      All I’m saying is Trump had this in the bag until San Fran Nan started working the phones. Now he appears rattled and off his game.

      Maybe he has a card or two to play but going after a woman with personal attacks isn’t a winning strategy in an election. IMHO.

      1. AB – the propaganda machine is running in full spin mode. My feeds are overwhelmed with negative stories about Trump. They know Harris cannot withstand scrutiny. The program is to make her “election” believable.
        It is effective and those of us who understand who the real threats to liberty are cannot help but feel somewhat downtrodden.
        If you follow polls and analysis from Rasmunssen polls ,Trump is still winning. I have also seen some state by state analysis showing Trump at close to the same lead as against Biden. I will share the link to the next time I find them.
        Make no mistake , the Democrats are good at what they do. It is to bad they don’t do as well on the issues that matter. They will never quit going after Trump. They will not allow him to be President. If they “win ” the election he and any associates likely go to jail ,if not before. The illusion of democracy continues.

    2. 70K is just a number in the program that can be legitimately calculated or just just plugged in.
      All lies.

    1. SNC Lavalin, Jean Chrétien, and Mike Harris?? With a lineup like that everything has to be above board? Right? Right?

  2. Being from the Toronto Star of course they have to put a lot of blame on the former Conservative Harper government.

    Justin Trudeau’s government radically transformed Canada’s temporary foreign worker program. Young people and low wage workers are paying the price

  3. John Ivison: How do the Liberals fix skyrocketing immigration? By lowering the entry standards

    Pollster Environics has been tracking public opinion on the issue since 1977 and noted that the number of people disagreeing with the statement that Canada accepts too many immigrants fell to 51 per cent last year from 69 per cent in 2022 — the largest one-year change ever recorded. The reason for most people was the impact of increased immigration on the cost of housing.

    It is no coincidence that during this period, the number of non-permanent residents doubled from 1.35 million in the first quarter of 2022, or 3.5 per cent of the total population, to 2.79 million, or 6.7 per cent of population, in the second quarter of this year. This doesn’t even include the estimated 300,000 to 600,000 workers and students whose permits have expired and are still in Canada without official status…

  4. Kamala Harris Stonewalls Congressional Probe Into NatSec Adviser’s Ties to Iran Influence Network

    A Pentagon Official Saw Her Ties to an Iranian Influence Network Exposed—Then Visited the Biden-Harris White House 8 Times
