18 Replies to “Did Biden Send Officials to Tehran and Reveal Mossad Agents Who Killed Hamas Leader?”

  1. Unlikely they would reveal Mossad agents. Mossad is likely aware of dozens of CIA agents in the region. Mossad is also way nastier at getting even.

  2. Very true. Would names of Mossad agents even be known to reveal until after their service ended?

    But I would not cross them.

    1. I would suspect that Mossad is watching U.S. moles and agents as well. They should given the hostility the U.S. has shown since Obama came on the scene.

  3. There would be no reason for Israel to tell the US the names of any of their operatives. It would serve no useful purpose and would create vulnerabilities. If the US has names, it’s the result of guesswork on the US’s part.

    This story stinks.

    1. 1) Israel feeds a list of names to the CIA, that the CIA thinks are assets of mossad.
      2) The Obama2 regime takes this list to Iran, thinking they can bargain for something
      3) The Iranian regime grabs these people, and does typical despotic things to them.
      4) Mossad profits as Iran gets more suspicious, and takes out problems for Israel?

      seems overly complicated though.

  4. I expect this sort of thing from Iran, but the surprises since Obama / Valery Jarrett were involved in this have disappeared.
    The treachery is as deep as their deep state, and I only see 1 candidate who has pledged to do anything about this.

  5. Israel hardly needs the Mossad to operate in Iran. Tehran used to be half Jewish and a huge centre of commerce and international business. Many Muslim Iranians have fond memories of their “uncle” the Jewish business partner of their grandfather who also hate the regime in power now and are happy to undermine it. And Israel is packed full of Iranian Jews who can easily pass as Iranian Muslims who speak fluent Persian and have friend and family left. Plus the HAMAS are Sunni Palestinians and a whole lot of Iranians even supporting the regime are wondering why they are supporting Palestinians in the first place. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if a disgruntled Iranian having nothing to do with the Mossad tipped them off.

    1. Forty years ago I knew a British Jew who worked in the oilpatch who had spent some time in Iran. He said that while Arabs hated Jews, Iranians were quite Jew friendly.

      1. exactly. it was repeated many times when things got difficult a ways back the cry was ‘we’re Persians, not Arabs’. but then again, that closes to door to all manner of stereotype, grouping, targetting etc

  6. Maybe the Iranians themselves capped these two? They may have had no future use for them? If so it was easy to blame Israel. Have the Jews even taken responsibility?

    I can see the US going cap in hand to try and absolve themselves of any culpability.

    The story they divulged names lacks credibility.

  7. This is likely true, and a desperate gambit to avert a war that seems baked into the cake right now, and that will hurt Kamala’s “Feel good vibe” campaign.

    You guys underestimate how craven Joe Biden is about holding on to power.

    1. Biden can’t hold in a shart.
      He probably doesn’t even decide which ice cream he’s going to eat each day.

  8. Whatever is going on behind the scenes, lately the news has me rereading Ezekiel 38 a few times.

  9. Israel is pushing for an all out war and expecting big brother (USA) to come to their side and beat up Iran. Sadly for the US there is no advantage either way. Starting a war with Iran as it is presently losing a war in Ukraine is not a wise move. The US is moving in aircraft carriers but the age of aircraft carriers is long past. A few well placed missiles and the ship is inoperative or resting peacefully at the bottom of the sea. Russia and Iran have that level of technology and the US knows it. The world will be blessed if it avoids nuclear conflict as Israel is likely to launch a few to match its Samson Doctrine. If Israel can’t exist then no other nation in that region can exist either. The interesting question is how many Israelis are going to stay in Israel when the war goes hot and how many will be in Europe and America until the fighting has eased. Oh Well demonic Bibi is getting what he has wanted for all those years. More death and destruction.
