14 Replies to “Keir Starmer’s Britain”

  1. I like Douglas Murray more and more every time I see him. I may have to buy one of his books.

    (and why can’t Canada have someone like Rita Panahi ?)

    1. The War on the West is a great book. Worth buying to support him. I am going to purchase his other books as well.

  2. “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it” – George Orwell.
    Orwell seemed to know how the UK would turn out and the west in general.

  3. Perhaps it is Mr. Campbell who should be arrested, for crimes against humanity in Iraq, and for treason against the people of Britain.

  4. all reminiscent of mao’s infamous cultural revolution,
    even that it was just a ruse for power

  5. I like him.
    Still, he denounces the violence.
    If there are two sides in a conflict, and only one side is willing to use violence, then the winner is a forgone conclusion.

  6. lm gonna call the brit consulate in otta’was’ and tell them it looks like the nazis actually won that thing in 39-45

  7. I’ve often had the passing thought that too many people assume that because Douglas is gay he is also a ‘sissy’ – dangerous mistake to make.

    1. Your right ….. One of my gay co workers lives beside certain immigrants that lets say haven’t assimilated very well.
      I laughed when he was telling me he wants to put up the Israeli flag.
      But we told him he’d be the one in the wrong in the laws eyes.

  8. aaaand allow me to remind one and all starmer was put into 10 downing by the brits he now intends and is beating up.
    dont think so?
    is there a single voter in rule britannia having buyers remorse now? hmmm???
