Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

April, 2024: In a Friday press release headlined simply “Canada’s Housing Plan,” the Prime Minister’s Office laid out a plan to “unlock 3.87 million new homes by 2031.” … “Canada can and will solve the housing crisis,” read an attached quote by Housing Minister Sean Fraser.

June, 2024; Canadian building permits dropped again in June by 13.9%, continuing the trend of a softening property market despite the government’s attempts to accelerate housing development. According to Statistics Canada, the decline in June was even greater than the previous month, which saw permits drop 12.2% in May and the data is even worse on a year-over-year basis, where the overall value of permits issued in June has dropped by 21.6%.

22 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. How can you “accelerate housing development” when new housing is built on debt, interest payments are new housing’s biggest cost, and we have left the era of ultra-low interest rates but are holding onto the same cost structure?

    1. “interest payments are new housing’s biggest cost”

      Government is new housing’s biggest cost. As Murray Rothbard pointed out, inflation is caused by government. And Milton Freidman noted that inflation is taxation that requires no legislation.

    1. Well yeah, Jim… for a very, VERY loose definition of housing.

      Look at all that empty space in parking lots and parks that was going unused, Thanks to PM Zoolander, people live there now,

  2. Government is the problem when it comes to building more housing.

    Just a few days ago, comrade chow was looking very proud that she is going to get stolen taxpayer money from fedgov to build 78 units with no parking on a city owned parking lot so that “homeless” people can get a place to live, never mind that the waiting list for TCHC is at 89,838 applicants.

  3. When it costs more to build a house than the average person can afford to spend on a house, houses aren’t going to get built. There is a reason than billions of people around the world live in houses built out of old pallets and tarps.

  4. Its simple: The Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is lying because there is no way enough homes can be built to accommodate the unsustainable surge of legal and illegal immigrants, plus temp foreign workers who don’t leave, plus international students, plus refugees. The federal government knows it can’t be done and so does everyone who can do the math. There isn’t enough manpower in the construction industry. Home building fees are too high. Regulations and getting permits take too long to allow for quick builds. Supply cannot possibly keep up with demand.

    Any solution the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government would come up with would be the worst, most heavy-handed scenario you could think of because that’s their mode of operation. In reality, it will take a change of government, a long pause on immigration and a couple of decades to fix the housing mess. Until then it will be Trudeau tent cities and more young adults living at home with their parents.

    1. LC

      Agreed but seems to me there has NEVER been a “surge” of Legal Immigrants to Canada since the ’50’s.
      Todays avg processing time is ~ 2+ yrs to get here LEGALLY as a Landed Immigrant.

      The vast majority are migrants, illegal immigrants and Trudeaus fav: REFUGEES…all of whom bypass std. Immigration & All of whom BENEFIT from LIBERAL Fed Gov incentives/Subsidies to Cdn Corporations and assorted companies to hire said migrants + illegals…REPLACING Canadian Citizens en masse…and this has ramped up massively in the past 3 yrs.

      When was the last time you saw a White Euro Centric person over the age of 16 working in ANY Fast Food Restaurant, Computer Sales outlet, Cell phone Repair…etc, etc, etc. in Canada.?
      When was the last time you saw a EURO CENTRIC person Driving an AMAZON, Fed Ex, UPS or Long Haul truck..?

      ADD in LMIA & DEI and we’ve got a situation where if you are White Euro Centric – You will NEVER get hired ANYWHERE. 100% on Purpose by This Govt.

      I call this TREASON and F’ers should be HUNG.

      1. To be fair, in small town Saskatchewan where I live white kids can still find summer jobs, restaurant, retail and agricultural work because its probably 97%+ caucasian. We have a few really nice Filipino and Korean families plus a couple families from India. I know it’s different in the cities. Housing gets built quite quickly because we have a large pool of tradesmen, a lot of rural guys who know how to build and repair and we are not plagued by finicky, petty city planning departments. I suspect that this way of life is disappearing for most Canadians.

  5. “If we command it,let it be so”.
    The classic ‘thinking’ of progressive reality.
    A true oxymoron.
    Our progressive Comrades are “Here to help the homeless population”,
    an incomplete sentence.
    For by their action you shall know them,and the word “Grow” is missing from the sentence end,making it just another progressive lie.
    Piggybacked onto the biggest lie from them all,the uni-party that is:
    “We are from the government,we are here to help you”..
    Another incomplete sentence,missing “..into poverty and enslavement”..
    By their actions you must judge,for these are proven serial continuous liars.
    Their words mean nothing.

    Government created this “Housing Shortage”..With the “finest of best intentions” of course.
    Now that same “wisdom” is going to attempt to undo their own fine work..

    Eventually the cost of these fools and bandits will be unbearable.And they will be banished,let them “help” amongst themselves..
    For every productive person already knows,they need us,we do not need them or their ‘help’.
    And that “eventually” is rapidly becoming “Now”.

  6. The liberals will solve the housing crisis by claiming that housing has too much negative impact on the environment and it all has to go by 2031,

    1. they can propose warehousing the people. tents inside a moderately heated warehouse.

      or there are some Dachau plans still around

  7. Remember the goal.

    No housing plan proclaimed by this regime will ever succeed because it is not designed to succeed. It is feigning caring and concern without any intention of doing anything at all. And the market knows this is true.

    All the commenters here have made excellent observations. In particular, the keenest observation is that government itself is the main impediment to any home building. But why bother building more houses for incoming immigrants when your goal is to collapse the economy by overloading it, and kill people of every stripe through increased conflict, scarcity and debt leading to deprivation and starvation?

    This is yet another lie from the government that hates you, and sees you as an impediment to the flourishing of Gaia. They are Gaia’s devotees and priests, you are the rabble that infests Gaia like a plague and must be eradicated. Beware the ignorance and arrogance of the ideologue disconnected from reality.

  8. Ron Butler has been noting as of late now many condo developments in the GTA are coming to a screeching halt and are taking some developers down with them as well.

    Higher interest rates are having the undesired effect of slowing down housing construction which will ultimately raise housing prices, not lower them.

  9. They bring in 50,000 people a month – that’s immigrants, not TFW’s or students.
    So who really benefits?
    Grocery stores – everybody eats. Market board farmers.
    The telecoms do well. Gotta have a phone mofo.
    The teacher’s unions.
    The two and a half airlines cuz all these people are always flying back to the Shithole.
    The banks probably increase profits.
    Its always about following the money – even if its stolen money.
    Its a big fckn Ponzi scheme.
