12 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

    1. I don’t even have to watch the interview. They’re using all the apparatus against -us-, the people who live here. It isn’t subtle.

  1. Socialism is a death cult. Mass graves aren’t a side effect of socialism; they’re the purpose.

  2. Why would the head of the department of Homeland Security want to destroy America?
    The answer to that question is simple.
    Alejandro Mayorkas has a white hot hatred of White people and a white hot hatred of Christianity and he wants to see both destroyed.

  3. Why would the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs call China and tell them that he would warn them if Trump did anything untoward? Why would the Director of the FBI conspire against a presidential candidate and continue during his presidency? Why has no one been held accountable for these and so many other similar instances? Because the Deep State feels that it is beyond the reach of the peons no matter who they may elect.

  4. Here’s the Tucker Interview with Brett Weinstein.

    Well worth the Watch..!!

    What hit me was that there is a fully Fenced off Chinese “Relocation” Camp in Panama as well:
    100% Military aged men – No Females

    1. Chinese females were mostly all aborted under the the ChiCom’s one child rule. They’re coming for the white whimmen !

  5. oops…here the Link


  6. The US as we knew it is finished. Done. We’re just existing on inertia and debt at this point. What comes next is anyone’s guess.
