Things You’re Gonna See At The CBC

The Canadian Press take the jobs their employees can’t do.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. paid out $18.4 million in bonuses this year after hundreds of jobs at the public broadcaster were eliminated.

Documents obtained through access to information laws show CBC/Radio-Canada paid bonuses to 1,194 employees for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

More than $3.3 million of that sum was paid to 45 executives.

That means those executives got an average bonus of over $73,000, which is more than the median family income after taxes in 2022, according to Statistics Canada.

9 Replies to “Things You’re Gonna See At The CBC”

  1. CBC television is watched by 3.9% of Canadians and only .8% watch CBC News. Again, half of all media dollars, half. Half is spent engaging less than 4% of Canadians.

    Elizabeth Nickson

    1. the CBC is like a cancer, the only deference is, unlike cancer we can eliminate this scourge on society

  2. I got no problem with huge bonuses for any bureaucrat that cuts hundreds of govt jobs. Great work! Keep it up.

  3. I am willing to give CBC executives $15 million in bonuses next year as long as they lay off 1000 employees.

  4. Cathy Taint ain’t fookin nobody.
    Low bar contractual obligation and you get a bonus. So you call in sick less than 10 times in the year and verbally fellate Juthtin & Freeland at the water cooler.

  5. Sure, to you it is a large bonus, but, when you compare to their lifestyle, it is not even a nice car, like a Q7.

  6. Kate, in all likelihood, 15 people split $2-million and 30 people split $1.3-million, speaking from experience in a large corporation (and there’s a good chance that the top 5 Executives are excluded from that count). What I don’t understand is why the Board of Directors approved the “bonuses” at the “executive” level. I’m afraid most people don’t understand how corporate governance structures work. Tait is teflon-coated and has been media trained to work her way through the minefield, but I guarantee that Michael Goldbloom, Guillaume Aniorte, Marc Beaudet, Rene Legere, Sandra Mason, Jennifer Moore Rattray, Rita Shelton Deverell, Sandra Singh, Bill Tam, Marie-Anne Tawil, and Marie Wilson haven’t got a clue of how to deal with public pressure. These are the people that have rubber stamped Catherine Tait’s reign of incompetence. It’s long past the time that the CBC Board was separated from its executive and from political appointees. Given the taxpayer dole out to the CBC, it’s time that the Board was made up predominantly of accountants who hold the executive accountable to the CBC mandate.

  7. CBC management has a cunning plan.
    As they thrive on tax payer money,they will be best rewarded,by firing all the staff and dividing the 2 billion/year CBC consumes, amongst themselves..
    And why not?
    No one is watching.
    No one trusts CBC.
    Think of this as a gift to future tax payers.
    Once the executive parasites fade away,CBC is gone..
    Leaving the future tax payer with nothing.
    Well nothing except the debt incurred.
    To enrich these Liberals.
