12 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. “Israel has approved a new settlement on a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, its far-right finance minister said on Wednesday.

    Bezalel Smotrich, who also heads civil affairs at the defence ministry, said his office had “completed its work and published a plan for the new Nahal Heletz settlement in Gush Etzion”, a bloc of settlements south of Jerusalem.

    All of Israel’s settlements in the West Bank, occupied since 1967, are considered illegal under international law, regardless of whether they have Israeli planning permission.”


    1. Every war the Arabs start with Israel results in the loss of Arab land. You’d think they would get tired of that but as long as they’ve got people like you goading them into further wars they’ll keep trying. I don’t recall seeing you promote peace between the Israelis and Arabs in any of your shit posts but always slagging the Israelis for defending themselves from their neighbours and the corrupt international community.

    2. Considered illegal by whom? Exactly who issued this whole “illegal under international law” garbage? There’s a whole bunch of international law about how if you get land after someone attacks you, you get to keep it. And then there’s the entire business of how Jordon illegally occupied Judea and Samaria, the indigenous homeland of Jews in 1948. Jordon then violated international law by ethnically cleansing Judea and Samaria of Jews and renamed it “The West Bank” (to delegitimize the claims of the indigenous Jews who had been living there continuously for over 2000 years.) This illegal under international law occupation continued up until 1967 when Jordon attacked again in an attempt to occupy and colonize even more indigenous Jewish land in defiance of the UN and international law. The Jews successfully defended themselves and took their indigenous land back from the illegal occupiers and Arab colonizers. Under international law the Jews have every right to keep that land.

      Your definitions of international law seem to be kind of squishy and weak and hypocritical. It is certainly one sided.

      1. A great summary of the West Bank history, Justin. People rarely acknowledge any of that.

        Ironically, if Israel had driven all the Jordanians out of the West Bank and back into Jordan they would probably be enjoying that territory today as a legitimate and internationally recognized part of Israel….it’s only the fact that they are ‘occupying’ it that gives the UN the opportunity to attack them for being there.

        Of course, the UN represents and supports most of the cranks who still call Gaza ‘occupied’, so not many people pay attention to their inanities anymore…

  2. Islam is a mental illness that triggers extreme violence in subnormal IQs.

    1. “Islam is a mental illness that triggers extreme violence in subnormal IQs.”

      I’ve read that 1400 years of intermarrying among cousins will do that.

  3. lets see, 1400 years of war, slavery, rape, torture and lies. perhaps its time to put an end to islam since they dont seem to get along with anyone.

    1. ““Islamophobia… A word created by Fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”. – Christopher Hitchens”

      Absolutely. Same with ‘zero tolerance’…perfect excuses to avoid the responsibility of making actual decisions for yourself.
