48 Replies to “August 16, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. All Dey long … we’d be under covers. All Dey long.

      BTW … Kay Lenz was a Susan Dey clone … somewhat similar pouty mouth structure. Seems as though Clint Eastwood was smitten by her. Gotta love those hippie era coming of age romances … esp. with olllllld dudes … hahaha ha ha


    1. That’s right here where I am. I shoot trap in Wilmot and have many friends there.

      This could be the line to not be crossed. When you have nothing left to lose………………..

    1. Awwwwww… poor jurinalists.

      Let’s all shed a tear for the bought-and-paid-for propagandists that were let go. I’m sure there are enough of us here that we could generate at least one tear.

      What, no? Not even one little tear?

      Oh well, then. Let’s all wish them good luck in their new career as coders. I’m sure they can all learn to code.

      1. Screw learning to code. Let them learn how to dig coal. They are going to need to get the power from somewhere for their electric cars.

    1. “by some estimates, over 600 people have died”
      I wonder how long it takes for 600 people to die in these areas without a heat wave?
      I think I’m secure in saying I doubt very much that 600 people have died due to excessive heat in those areas or we’d have heard about it from the alarmist media.
      Many times
      Over and over again

      1. And where are the morticians dealing with this sudden wave of deaths? Bet you it isn’t a thing for them.

    2. I am “shocked, I tell you, shocked” that it is hot in summer and cold in winter! Apologies to the chief of police in “Casablanca”.

      1. From Casablanca:
         Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
        Captain Renault: I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
        [a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
        Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
        Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.
        Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!

    1. I’m no fan of BG, but is this really an example of “domineering” behavior? A footnote critique?

      “ “He’s the scariest person in the world to provide a recommendation or briefing to because he scans a page and comes back at you saying something like, ‘what you say in the footnote on page 9 does not match with the footnote on page 28,’” a former employee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation told Das. “

    2. Elon Musk… after hearing that Bill Gates had spent over a billion dollars shorting Tesla stock;

      “How can someone say they are passionate about fighting climate change and then do something that reduced the overall investment in the company doing the most?” …. “It’s pure hypocrisy. Why make money on the failure of a sustainable energy car company?”

      … “At this point, I am convinced that he is categorically insane (and an assh@le to the core) I did actually want to like him.”

  1. CBC News is upset that the “haters” and “conspiracy theorists” (CBC code for conservatives) are upset with Australian breakdancer B-Gitl Raygun…

    …who apparently made a complete fool of herself, obtaining a record of 0-56 in three dances from horrified judges. This upset Australians online.

    ( I only watched a few basketball games, that was it. And read news about how shifty the Seine river is).

      1. ANY athlete diving into an open sewer in hopes of fleeting glory deserve eye infection, ear infection, lifelong gastro-intestinal issues etc. same thing happened in Brazil.

        ‘Olympics’ IS shit however, so, very apropos!

    1. just like the French to be too cheap to have indoor swimming races. How is one to compensate with weather variables with an outdoor venue, aka sewer. Won`t the flow rate affect the times
