12 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self Driving Overlords”

  1. OK, let’s see addresses, phone numbers and social security numbers for: George Soros, Nancy Pelosis, Barack Obama, James Comey, Anthony Fouci, etc. I suspect that THEIR data won’t be out there with the rest of the peasants.

  2. I’m surprised it took this long after the chinese did it during the clinton administration

  3. Great. Now they might have my Social Insurance Number since Florida Power and Light requires it (if you want electricity that is).

  4. My credit has been shit since the last asshole stole my ID and rang up $10k in credit card debt. I will be poor until I die because I will NEVER pay.

  5. The Jetsons a Flying Car that Folds into a Briefcase when you press a button. Another Cartoon Secret Spurrell had about the same but he also had a car and his Diver Moraco Mole
