No Rush

Blacklock’s- Offices Already 40% Empty

Federal office buildings were 40 percent empty even before the pandemic sent 240,000 employees to work from home, says a briefing note to Public Works Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. Cabinet has proposed selling half its office buildings nationwide but expects it will take decades.

26 Replies to “No Rush”

    1. Brilliant!

      Instead of trying to unload those office buildings, which will take decades according to the article, convert the 40% unused space into living quarters for migrants. When the offices were 100% in use, I’d dare say that 40% of the people were sleeping on the job there anyway. Should be easy to do the conversion since it’s already been demonstrated that it’s a great place to sleep.

      And it’s GREEN! Save the planet! No transportation needed for the migrants to go to government offices to get their freebies. It’s just down the hall and two floors below.

      Oh sure, the employees in the 60% office spaces will complain about having to dodge knife attacks, the goat butchering in the stairwells, and the odd bomb-maker’s explosion, but they’ll eventually adjust to the new situation. After all, diversity is our strength.

      1. There is very little in savings when comparing the construction of new buildings to house people, and fully converting (to current building codes) an office building to residential occupancy.

        Adding a kitchen, and washroom, and fire suppression, and separate heating supplies for each unit, is the major expense, followed by the electrical upgrades, then fireproofing each unit separately, and double walls between each unit. If the building was built using 1970-1990’s technology there may be post tension cables to work around… and tasking the gov’t with doing this is asking for a firearms registration type of financial fiasco.

        I’m not advocating for changing the current building code to delete these requirements, and note that in the west of Canada there is already a shortage of these above mentioned trades workers, never mind having them be involved with repairing garbage gov’t buildings. The “new Canadians” RARELY are qualified to pass the current Red Seal interprovincial exams so that they could take advantage of this shortage. I actually don’t know what “new canadians” are going to do if the gov’t doesn’t hire them to answer their phones with their semi good enough broken English after you’ve waited 42 minutes for them to pick up the damn phone, or take your order at Tim Hortons (it’s been more than a couple years since I visited those).

        My sympathies are gone.

        The gov’t made both sides of this problem. I’d be more happy if they closed Parliament and the SCOC / Federal Court buildings and converted those to RCMP horse barns, or perhaps a new home for the Ottawa Humane Society.

        *not joking.

        1. they can have ATCO level accommodations, as this should be a temporary measure, rather than a “residence”.

  1. But you know the pinnacle of stupidity isn’t in the article: They were making cubicles smaller and smaller so they can squeeze more employees in smaller spaces.

    1. Right on, Pappy!
      I left downtown Calgary employment in 1998, largely because of that senior management fixation with making everybody into a Dilbert cartoon. “Regrets, I’ve had a few. but then again, too few to mention. I did it my way”.

  2. Question: How many people are working at (pick your federal department)?

    Answer: About ten percent of them.

    1. Duclos has the teeth to prove it.
      The 40% are redundant but still paid to vote for their “leader.”
      You know, the guy with the never ending haircuts.
      I think his hair servant is trolling at this point.

  3. JD and HR nailed it ….instead of forking out $300.00 at Best Western or Holiday Suites put those grifters in Trudope’s offices and what ever overflow appears send them to one of the asshole’s condos …

    1. My point was to mix all the migrants in with the current employees and see if the fed employees are still all on board with voting for the commies, Bill.

      Hey, just clear out all the desks and let the ‘unhoused’ pitch their tents indoors. Warm in Winter. Cool in Summer and opens up the parks again for general use.

      Uhhh. unhappy fed employees, though.

      That’s a Win/Win/Win situation.

  4. Commercial real estate values are circling the toilet. Obviously the best time to sell.

    On the other hand, who’s buying?

    1. The land might have value… I’d offer a $1, and then run a givesendgo for the opportunity to explosively demolish it.

      (after all the correct permits have been obtained)

  5. Government has grown by 200%.. Yet its taking up 80% less space.. Normally this would be seen as a fraud red flag.. How exactly do you.. Oh, sorry the hard drive crashed :).. The cloud is corrupt.. We need all new hardware to run the latest software to even begin to begin..

    Canada.. Where 40% are on welfare and 40% are government workers.. A democracy?..
