3 Replies to “Oddments For The Weekend”

  1. Awful lot of hefty heifers in that powder room. Are you sure that wasn’t just a video of the Chicago stockyards?

    1. l take pub lick transit when reqd.
      sad how often l can take a quick inventory of the ‘2 for 1’ type men & wymyn predominant at times. then they get off 3 stops later instead of walking off the pounds.
      l think part of the problem is all that mass is tiring to lug so they default to taxis, busses and ubiquitous electric scooter.
      aka ye olde ‘vicious circle’ syndrome.
      l attribute biking everywhere since the taurus got taken off the road in 2007 the fact lm 5-10 pounds away from my ideal weight with my 73rd b’day coming up.

  2. I used to live in East Yorkshire at the time the video was taken at Hornsea. There are much nicer beaches at Bridlington, not far away.
    I don’t remember any discussion about the subject.
    I mainly went there to visit Hornsea Pottery, now closed, and still use some items daily.
