12 Replies to “Scratch A Leftist”

  1. “Holocaust inversion transposes the guilt of the abusers, the Nazis, onto the abused, the Jews,”
    So blaming women for getting raped is back on the table…?

    Again, Jews need to arm themselves.
    Things aren’t going to suddenly turn sunny.
    This shit is NOT going to go away.
    And for those Jews who think they can side with Palestine or even be neutral, you’re delusional.

    Carville and Oliver should be made to eat each others’ shit.

  2. Carville is, what they prosaically call, shit disturber.
    He throws out his airy thoughts hoping the media will pick it up and go with it.
    Not being part of the government, he is free to bullshit to his desire.

    He knows that he is quotable and he is right.

  3. There has been an increasing trend over the decades to not take one’s political opponents’ views at face value, but rather to accuse them of having dark hidden motives. It provides a way, I guess, to undercut one’s oppponents without having to refute their actual positions — although maybe now I’m accusing people of having hidden motives.

    And this is occuring across the political spectrum.

  4. Carville misses the religious “end times” folks who “stand with Israel”
    and their ifluence on both parties.

    This is the interesting bit for me:
    // a listener’s question regarding the Republican Party’s alleged embrace of “neo-Nazis,” which the listener suggested is inconsistent with the party’s pro-Israel stance. //

    I recall an interesting ceremony some years ago in which the British Nationalist EDL burned their
    swastika flags and raised the flag Of Israel.
    Why? There was some outreach from rightist Israel, according to a Haaretz article at the time.
    But, really, a more plausible explanation is that Israel had become the sort of nation that these
    people admire.
    The Nazis were powerful, efficient, brutal and generally warlike.
    And the “New Jew” bears quite some resemblance to the old German.

      1. // You prove the reverse works as well:
        Scratch an anti-semite… // and, for example, you get Pat Buchanan, JD Vance’s dead guru.
        JD Vance:
        “We are celebrating, today, the birthday of Pat Buchanan-” the crowd breaks out into applause “
        -who […] is the genesis of many of the ideas that we discussed here.”

        JD Vance’s Natal-Futurism

  5. Israel STRONG.

    Isn’t that what we all called Boston after some Muslim Terrorists did to the Boston Marathon what Muslims do?

    Israel … You’ve Got a Friend.

    Isn’t that what John F. Kerry paid James Taylor to sing to Macron after concertgoers were slaughtered in a Paris concert? By Muslim Terrorists … like Hamas.

    I’m certain that’s what James Carville meant to say

  6. Carville: Republicans supporter Israel because Jews are more white than Palestinians.

    The Democrats are all about race. They must figure Palestinians are less white than Jews. They support the dark side.

  7. All of it comes with an expiry date, especially when those spouting “never again” don’t believe it.
