That Sinking Feeling

Despite the mainstream media’s attempts at getting people to believe that the economy is prosperous, more and more often a bit of news leaks out which indicates that all is not as it seems. The marginal consumer is clearly tapped out. It’s not the high end eateries that are feeling the pinch, but rather the mass market chains with razor thin margins, soaring costs and a consumer base that can’t afford to pay.

Subway has called a hasty meeting with franchisees of its 19,000 North American sandwich shops as they grapple with faltering sales and profits, The Post has learned.

A Subway franchisee with nearly 20 stores told The Post his same-store sales are down 5% to 10% in recent weeks compared to the prior year.

“Our gross sales are not even at 2012 levels, and profit then was five times what it is today.”

The franchisee added that his stores barely break even with the discounts.

24 Replies to “That Sinking Feeling”

  1. Meh… their selection has gone downhill, they took roast beef off the menu, they cut back on veggies ( recently I asked for ‘lots and lots of cucumbers’ and I got five slices… I said ‘more please’ and got another 3 slices’ at which point I said ‘if that’s lots and lots, I can only image what ‘regular’ portion might be’), cutting back on meat and cheese etc. I know costs have risen for everyone include restaurants, but I’d rather they put the price up a buck or two rather than nickel and dime me on cucumber slices and spinach. Just can’t be bothered… but then, I feel that about eating out anywhere now. Poorer quality for higher prices all around.

    1. We have a local boutique Grocery Store with a nice Deli section that makes great sandwiches. We used to order half a dozen when our kids dropped by on a Sunday afternoon. Their sandwiches are all “normal sized” … what Subway now charges like $5.49 for.

      Well … my Italian Combo … which is generously stacked with EVERYTHING including more meat than I can get my mouth around … is $10.99 x 6 or 8 when family drops in and we’re BROKE! No, we’ve completely stopped buying. FU Brandon …

    2. I would say that you are very lucky that they could even understand you when asking for more cukes.

  2. “Barely break even with the discounts”. What discounts? The other night my family discussed them as a possible supper option but my youngest called Subway’s pricing “sketchy” and said her friends feel the same way. We went elsewhere. I’m so unsurprised by this post. This IS exactly what happens when a sandwich shop prices itself out of the sandwich consumer market. Sandwich eaters don’t have cash to burn on $12 foot longs that used to cost 2/3’s that pre-Covid.

    1. The “discounts” they get from having to buy all of their supplies from corporate, and the “discounts” on the price they pay on advertising by corporate.

      This is much of what sank Quiznos

  3. (I don’t go there, I favour local sandwich shops – in Ottawa, Frank’s is awesome.)
    I think many of us are watching how we spend money today because next week it’ll cost more.

    1. I too have had comments simply disappear into the Ether on Numerous occasions…past 6-8 months
      Now I’m copying my comments – if vanished…I repost it.

        1. a funny entry in another post about painting a compact pickup truck with 50 cans of hardware store spray paint . . . . . . . also disappeared.
          ‘go figure’.
          well l did, l ‘figure’ something is impeding common sense @ SDA
          so lm OUTTA HERE

      1. Yeah, I tried 3 times, and still it won’t post. Others are fine. I can’t even post it as it’s own comment or as a reply to myself. I swear it’s a perfectly harmless comment.

        1. I was getting slammed yesterday. Tried to edit/filter my post 5x to no avail. *sigh* … yes, I’ve welcomed our self-censoring overlords.

  4. Subway is my go to whenever my plumbing is backed up and I’m in the need to take a really good dump.

    That and “sandwich artist” is what we call job applicants with no relevant experience.

    1. Get in there and serve drunks at bar close and tech school dorks at lunch rush, and then try that again.

  5. Who can afford to eat out ANYWHERE..?
    Especially if you’re looking for work…9 Months now.
    And not even a sniff…
    CRA knocking on the “door” – As for them, they Can kiss my (_i_) – I Eat first before you $$$ Rapists get your cut…if EVER.

  6. Could be wrong, though thinking that the staff treats the place as their own food supply at the shift’s end.
    They make sure, you don’t get, if you don’t pay attention and don’t ask.

  7. Eh not sad about this. Ever increasing prices and lower quality have to have an effect eventually. Yes there’s new price pressures on everything now but they could have kept the quality up so people feel it’s worth it which it just isn’t anymore

  8. Hang on Subway! A VERY enthusiastic Kamelala Harris has just announced Price Controls … so soon … you can afford those ingredients again. And when she passes Nationwide Rent Control … you’ll be able to pay your rent again too.

    Enthusiasm is coming to your rescue. The kind of enthusiasm only a Comrade Commissar can deliver.

  9. 2020-2021 proved that most seem to pay greater heed to pixels on a screen than to the physical reality that surrounds them.

    Also…WTF Kate? Fix your goddamned auto-censor, FFS!
    Wasting your reader’s time trying to second guess what they can or cannot say is pretty effin’ rude.
    At least release a list of verboten words/letter combos.

  10. If hubby and I want to split a sub, we go to Mr. Sub. I can’t even walk into a Subway because the smell of the baking “bread” is nauseating. I don’t know what they’re baking but it isn’t bread.

  11. Wages haven’t grown with inflation.. I think a sub sandwich is worth 8 bucks.. They want 18.. Apparently, I have outlived my place in this economy.. Even if I got a big raise.. A sub sandwich is worth 8 bucks..
