We Didn’t Save Five Bucks?

Blacklock’s- Quadrupled Budget For Clark

A new luxury Manhattan penthouse for New York Consul Tom Clark cost taxpayers four times the expense of renovating the apartment used by his predecessors, records show.

“In May 2021 a renovation project estimated at $1.8 million was approved but delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” wrote McCardell. Renovation costs were subsequently revised to $2.6 million without explanation. The department instead decided to purchase a new penthouse for $8,840,000.

22 Replies to “We Didn’t Save Five Bucks?”

  1. Bad move. Should have purchased the penthouse from Trump. The NY Judge and prosecutor would have severely undervalued it and it could have been acquired for some green stamps and a half eaten Oreo.

    1. $8,840,000… According to NY state judges, you could buy Mar-a-lago for that price and have a couple millions left over. Unless the seller was inflating the value, which is a crime in NYC right?

      1. Well, according to the Governor of NY…it’s only a crime for Trump. She stated such at a hastily set up press conference when various real estate moguls threatened to leave NY altogether. A significant number of them did leave and are now investing heavily in the Midwest (which is kind of insult to injury)

  2. What does he do? Why am I paying for a luxury lifestyle for some Liberal hack ex-“journalist”.

    1. His greatest accomplishment as a journalist was to ask Pretty Boy Trudeau what kind of shampoo he used.

  3. I am NOT taking the side of the gov’t here … but…


    “The 12 room, five-bedroom apartment located on Park Avenue was listed Thursday at over $13 million, which is expected to exceed the purchase of its new $9 million Manhattan condo located on Billionaires’ Row.

    Global Affairs Canada said the new condo is smaller and more suitable, saying that the old unit, which was purchased in 1961 and last renovated in 1982, needed updates to the electrical, heating, ventilation and plumbing.”

    1. Notice there is no link to the listing?

      Also there is no reason to believe they got the price right, given there are several listings on Park Avenue in the same price range that are currently rotting (over 90 days).

    2. I actually believe it. The government paying twice the price to buy expensive, prime real estate and then letting it go to hell because they are to cheap to maintain the place.

    3. The Streets Are Paved With Gold.
      Good thing there are no skilled tradesmen in Ottawa who might travel to New York. If there were, unions would no doubt prevent them doing the work, anyway.

  4. “The department instead decided to purchase a new penthouse for $8,840,000”

    This rather passive statement proves once again “Government is what we do together to avoid any accountability”

    1. Not passive enough. It should read: “A replacement was purchased.” You can’t get good gubmint spokespersons anymore.

  5. Couldn’t they find a gentrified apartment in Harlem where the consul could enjoy the diversity?

    1. You don’t need to do that anymore in NYC. In Joe’s NYC, diversity finds you. Mainly in the underground parking lot, looking for reparations for your filthy white colonialism.

  6. The worst part of this story is we are expected to think the $2.6 M reno was the better option.

  7. Tom Clark sucks off Juthtin then gives the finger to Canada.
    There’s no whore like a journalist whore.

    1. Justin will drop in and they each can take turns biting the pillow for each other and charging the taxpayer for room service

  8. The other question that the cons could be using is why do we need to pay for the residences of 2 party hacks in New York, when the jobs could be done by one? Right now the government owns 3 condos, is using 2 of them, and is hoping some sucker buys the other one at an inflated price in a very soft market.

    It also doesn’t take into account the actual consulate that we are renting in midtown Manhattan at 466 Lexington Ave (266 Park Avenue).
