A Stern Warning And A Wink

The NYT said it took “disciplinary action”

Breaking: A NYT reporter shared 900 pages of content in a private WhatsApp chat of Jewish professionals.

As a result, hundreds of the group chat participants were met with online and in-person harassment that escalated to the point where some were forced to leave their homes.

15 Replies to “A Stern Warning And A Wink”

  1. While that evil chick gets a promotion from The New York Times and admiration from all her comrades, the pro-fascist palestine supporters are going to get more police and lawfare power?

    The attorney general of Australia might be able to find laws that already exist to stop evil people, he doesn’t need to hand those leftists more laws that they will absolutely use against their multitude of enemies real and perceived.

    1. As a reminder, any law, no matter it’s stated purpose or how innocuous will eventually be used by the state against the people, especially those unfavored by those in charge.

    1. Jews have been long supporters and funders of where we are at today
      Now as useful idiots, they get what they watched the greater, older, now gone society get.

      No sympathy. Their bed, they made it, get used to it.
      And they will.

    2. “The NYT is a Jew-run cesspool of typically Jewish anti-white hatred.”

      Fixed it for ya

  2. Jew hate appears whenever nonJewish tyrants are about to try to take over. And they only start with Jews.

  3. Man oh man! Is she ever in trouble! No Christmas bonus for her … until New Years.

  4. I seem to recall the NYT were Holocaust deniers … right up until the Allies liberated Auschwitz. Scumbags.

    1. Don’t forget they aided Stalin in covering up the Holodomor and gave tonguebaths to Mao, so they are equal opportunity scumbags.

  5. 97% of “journalists” are Marxist scum and need to be constantly bullied. I know I do my part!

  6. Unfortunately these days nothing is private if it is written thru the internet. If you can’t say it in public then do not say it at all. Everything that is written on the internet is public period so chose your words carefully.

    These days no one should be surprised about a breach of trust like that.

  7. What a smug looking bitch she is in her picture. She deserves jail time and lawsuits. Perhaps some tit for tat boxing, such as her home address.

  8. So much for dialogue.. Lets smoke out some Jews for some targeted hate.. The NYT is a leftist rag..
